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The following sections describe each of the standard screens provided with TSENTRY.


The NtRtMenu screen is the main menu provided with the TSENTRY system.  The links in the top section provide access to each of the standard screens provided with the TSENTRY system (NtRtMgr, NtRtProcEd, ProbeX, etc.).  At the bottom of the page is a link to the TSENTRY documentation, which starts and instance of Internet Explorer to display TsentryHelp website.

Following is a screen shot of the NtRtMenu screen.

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The NtRtMgr screen can be used to view the status of the TSENTRY system.  It provides a web-based interface mimicking that of the NtRtMgr console application.

Following is a screenshot of the NtRtMgr screen:

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The top half of the screen displays information about each of the processes in the system.  As in the console NtRtMgr application, right clicking on any of the process names brings up a menu that allows the user to edit process options (via a link to the NtRtProcEd screen), control the individual process (Activate, Suspend, Deactivate, etc.), or control the process group (Activate Group, Deactivate Group, etc.).

The bottom half of the screen is a log of messages sent to the LogMsg message queue by any of the processes.  Messages logged here are also written to a disk file as configured in the system initialization files.

The two buttons in the lower-right-hand corner of the display allow the user to enter his own LogMsg messages.


The NtRtProcEd screen is the HMI version of the process editor form created when right-clicking a process in the NtRtMgr application and choosing the Edit Options option.

Following is a screenshot of the NtRtProcEd screen:

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All of the fields on this screen reflect current run-time values.  These values are initialized from the process initialization file when the TSENTRY system is started.

The fields with a yellow background may be edited; those with white backgrounds may not be edited.  Only users with the “Process Edit” privilege may edit the fields on this screen.

Field Descriptions:

  • AppName
    A list box containing all of the processes running under the TSENTRY system.  All of the remaining fields on the screen pertain to the selected application name.

  • GroupName
    The name of the process group that the selected application is a member of.  This field is read-only.

  • UsesNtRt
    Checkbox indicating whether the process utilizes the tpriNtRt library for process management.  This field is read-only.

  • BinName
    The name of the binary executable file for the selected application.  This field is also read-only.

  • CmdLine
    All command line parameters for the application.  Spaces are allowed.  Quotation marks encasing the entire string of command line parameters are not necessary.

  • Run Mode
    “Standard” indicates that this process is a normal Windows executable file (.exe).  “Rt” indicates that this process is an RTX “hard” real-time executable file (.rtss).  This field is read-only.

  • Memory Lock
    Checkbox indicating if the process is locked in memory.  This field is read-only.

  • Priority
    The priority level of the process.  Please refer to the documentation on the NtRtMgr startup (section 4.1.1) for an explanation of the priority levels.

  • Debug Level
    The debugging level of the process.  The debugging levels at the beginning of the list offer less debugging messages and logging, whereas the levels towards the end of the list offer more debug.

Start OrderThe order number for the process’s start position.  This value is read-only.

Startup Options             There are two sections to the startup options:

Startup Mode                Processes can either be started automatically when TSENTRY starts or started manually by the user.  If automatic startup is selected (the “Auto” radio button is selected), a startup delay must be defined.  The delay indicates the number of milliseconds to wait after the last process was started before starting this process.  Valid values are integers between 0 and 10000.  If manual startup is selected, the startup delay box will be disabled and set to –1.

Automatic Restart         Checkbox indicating whether the TSENTRY Manager will automatically restart a process if the process exits or dies unpredictably.

Wait for Initialization     The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the TSENTRY Manager will wait for a process to initialize itself.

Termination Options      Indicates whether the TSENTRY Manager will forcibly kill a process that takes more than the allotted time to exit gracefully after being requested to do so.  If set to “Auto”, the time to wait for a process to exit gracefully may be entered in the “Max Wait” text box.  If set to “Never Kill”, the TSENTRY Manager will never attempt to forcibly kill the process.

Pulse Timeout               The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the process to signal a pulse, indicating that it is functioning properly.  If the TSENTRY Manager does not receive a pulse from the process within this amount of time, the Manager will terminate the process.

Exception Handling       A series of flags for determining what information to provide in the log about a process that throws an exception or run-time error.

Write Changes to File    Checkbox which indicates whether the settings made on this screen should be written to the process initialization file when the Submit button is clicked.