Message | Process / Function | Description |
Request for undefined variable xxxxxx (Path = ) | GsmOpcSvr / UnKnownItemProc | Variable name as specified does not exist in the data dictionary |
Process xxxxxx pulse timer expired | NtRtMtr/checkPulse | The process was set up to use a pulse time to insure that it does not get in an endless loop. The timer expired. PrWait was not called to reset the timer. |
Process xxxxxx (yyyy) detected not alive | NtRtMgr/checkAlive | The process xxxxxx, pid yyyy was running and has exited or aborted. NtRtMgr will restart if AutoRestart option is set in the sysProcs.ini file. |
Existing process X:\x\x\x\xxxxxx.exe detected in state Active | Usertask/PrIni | The task that is starting up is already running. |
-2147418105 Automation error - The callee (server [not server application]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call may have executed | Screens | One of the DLLs required for proper screen operation is not installed properly (e.g., ApgGetArray.dll, tpri.AdSecurity.dll, tpri.CryptCom.dll) |
Error: connection to host not initialized downloading list of available pot names | Screens | Unable to acces files on the Tsentry system from screens |
The “Xxxxxx”’ screen or one of its controls is not properly installed. Details: Error 438: Object doesn’t support this property or method | Screen Interface | Internet Explorer browser is not configured to allow downloads from the web site from which the screen is being loaded. Note that the browser options are set up on a ‘per user’ basis. |
Error retrieving security access for Domain\UserID. File I/O error | TExplorer | The Application Security Configuration File (ASCF) for this application was not found. |
SetupRemoveDataAccess – An Existing connection was forcibly closed by the Remote Host | TExplorer | NtRtInfo.exe is run as a service on the host system. NtRtInfo.exe.config not set up correctly. Service is hard coded to look for share ‘HmiAppConfig’ |
| | |
Failed to lookup account name XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Unable to lookup account name |
Failed initial open of WinSta0: GetLastError = | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed initial open of WinSta0 |
Failed to grant access to window station | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to grant access to window station |
Failed re-open of WinSta0: GetLastError = XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed re-open of WinSta0 |
Failed to set process window station: GetLastError = XXXX | GrantAccessToConsole | Failed to set process window station |
Failed to open destop; GetLastError = XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to open destop |
Failed to grant access to desktop | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to grant access to desktop |
Failed to re-open destop; GetLastError = XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to re-open destop |
Failed to set thread desktop: GetLastError = XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to set thread desktop |
RtEnablePortIo error = XXXX | ppLed | Error in enabling Parrallel Ports |
Error XXXX deleting file YYYY | tpriCleanDir | Error in deleting file |
SQLExecute failed: retcode= XXXX | tpriDbio::ExecSql | Error in executing SQL statement |
Error WWWW GSM XXXX (YYYY bytes): ZZZZ | mapGsm | |
NULL filename specified; unable to save GSM XXX | tpriGsm::saveGsm | NULL filename specified, unable to save GSM |
GSM XXX size= YYY; unable to save GSM | tpriGsm::saveGsm | Incorrect size to save GSM |
fopen of XXX failed, rc = YYY | tpriGsm::saveGsm | Fopen failed |
fwrite of WWW failed, Size=XXX, rc=YYY, errno=ZZZ | tpriGsm::saveGsm | Fwrite of GSM failed |
NULL filename specified; unable to restore GSM XXX | tpriGsm::restoreGsm | NULL filename specified for GSM restore |
GSM XXX size=YYY; unable to restore GSM | tpriGsm::restoreGsm | Incorrect size for GSM restore |
fopen of XXX failed, rc = YYY | tpriGsm::restoreGsm | Fopen of GSM failed |
fread of WWW failed, nlen=XXX, rc=YYY, errno= ZZZ | tpriGsm::restoreGsm | Fread of GSM failed |
Array index for variable XXX is not a valid hex integer: YYY | initFromHdr | Not a hexadecimal number |
Array index for variable %s is not a valid decimal integer: XXX | initFromHdr | Not a decimal integer |
DDCOM GSM size does not match true GSM size: GSM Name: WWW Struct Name: XXX DDCOM calculated size: YYY Allocated GSM size: ZZZ | setTpriGsmPtr | The data dictionary size is not the same as the true size of the GSM |
WARNING: variable WWW format string is 'XXX’ - You have specified a hex format but did not prepend the format string with '0x' – This will cause the value of the variable to be interpreted improperly if you restored by name from disk It is strongly suggested that you use the formatting ‘0x%%x’ instead | readIni | Asked to format in hex, but didn’t prepend a “0x” |
Warning: potentially invalid format for variable XXX(YYY); remaining portion of line may be corrupt | varDef::readIni | The first character of the next token is not a whitespace character |
Duplicate variable XXX | varDef::readIni | Duplicate variable definition |
Ambiguous variable definition: XXX vs YYY | varDef::readIni | Ambiguous variable definition |
Unable to create variable definition for %s | parseIniVarDef | Unable to create variable definition |
Error parsing global common definition #XXX | readIniGblCmnDef | An error in parsing occurred |
Unable to create variable definition for XXX | parseIniVarDef | Unable to allocate a defintion |
Error: global common not mapped | SortDDCom | global common not mapped |
Bad ptr = NULL | tpriGsmDDCom::writeVariant | ptr = NULL |
New variant type %d does not match orig %d | tpriGsmDDCom::writeVariant | |
Error: global common not mapped | traverseTree | Global common not mapped |
Unable to find GSM %s in data dictionary | mapGsm | |
Error: global common not mapped | attachGsm | global common not mapped |
Error: global common not mapped | mapAllGsm | global common not mapped |
Error %d restoring GSM variable %s | tpriGsmDDCom::restorePersist | Error restoring GSM variable’s persistent data |
Error %d saving GSM variable %s | tpriGsmDDCom::savePersist | Error saving GSM variable’s persistent data |
Error %d persisting GSM variable %s | persistVar | |
File not specified to save variable %s | persist1Var | File not specified to save variable |
Error %d saving variable %s to disk | persist1Var | Error writing variable to disk |
File not specified to initialize variable %s | persist1Var | File not specified to load variable |
Unable to find variable %s in file %s | tpriGsmDDCom::persist1Var | Unable to find variable to parse |
Error parsing variable %s=%s from file %s | priGsmDDCom::persist1Var | Error parsing the variable value |
File not specified to initialize variable %s | persist1Var | Don’t have file from which to load variable |
Error parsing variable %s=%s from file %s | tpriGsmDDCom::persist1Var | Error parsing the variable value |
Unknown persistence mode %d | tpriGsmDDCom::persist1Var | Error parsing variable value |
Error: global common not mapped | persistAllVars | Global common not mapped |
Error %s(%d) opening input list file %s | persistByList | Error opening file |
Unable to find section [%s] in file %s | persistByList | Unable to find section |
Unable to find GSM for variable %s | persistByList | Unable to find GSM for Variable |
Error writing variable values to file %s | persistByList | Error writing variable value to file |
Error %d persisting variable %s with file %s | persistByList | Error persisting variable |
Error writing variable values to file %s | persistByList | Error writing variable value to file |
Unable to format short variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format short |
Unable to format long variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format long |
Unable to format int64 variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format int64 |
Unable to format float variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format float |
Unable to format double variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format double |
Unable to format char variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format char |
Unable to format string variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format string |
Invalid value '%s' for 'LogMsgMaxDays' key in [General] section of ini file %s | readIniFile | |
Data dictionary is not LogMsg aware; screens will be unable to access LogMsg data | enableDDCom | Data dictionary does not know about LogMsg queues |
Error writing %s messages to directory %s | fileLogMsgs | |
Error deleting %s logs from directory %s | fileLogMsgs | |
Error mapping process id global common %s; lastError=%d | tpriProc | Global common not mapped into process correctly |
Unable to find process definition for task %s | Activate | |
Activation of RTSS task %s without RTSS support is denied | Activate | |
Unable to find group definition %s | ActivateGroup | |
Unable to find process definition for task %s | Deactivate | |
Unable to find group definition %s | DeactivateGroup | |
Process %s not found in process ini file | PrIni | |
Existing process %s detected in state %s | PrIni | Process already active |
Process %s tpriLockProcess err=%d | PrIni | |
tpriCreateSemaphore error=%d | PrIni | |
Unable to initialize priority/timer from process options | PrIni | |
Error %d attaching RTSS shutdown handler | PrIni | |
Error: PrWait called for uninitialized process | PrWait | |
Error: PrWait called for process w/out valid timer | PrWait | |
Error: PrWait called for process w/out valid semaphore | PrWait | |
Wait for Single Object failed. GetLastError = %d | PrWait | |
%s process %s priority %d not legal | PrIni | |
Process %s tpriSetThreadPriority err=%d | chkUpdProcOpts | |
tpriCreateTimer error | chkUpdProcOpts | Problem creating timer |
Unable to open connection to service control manager GetLastError returns %d ***System will be unable to restart RTSS processes*** | tpriProcMgr | Unable to open connection to service control manager |
Incorrect status(=%d) to read ini file | readIniFile | |
Error %d reading file %s | readIniFile | |
Duplicate GrpName <%s> found in process.ini file | readIniFile | |
Error %d parsing process definition string <%s> | readIniFile | |
Duplicate AppName <%s> found in process.ini file | readIniFile | |
Error loading process to slot (already exists); Process[%d]=%s | readIniFile | |
Activation of task %s from tpriProcError state denied | Activate | |
Activation of RTSS task %s without RTSS support is denied | Activate | |
Error %d in CreateProcess for %s:%s | Activate | Error in creating process |
Process %s(%d) detected not alive | checkAlive | |
Process %s failed to initialize in the allotted time | checkAlive | |
Error 0x%X starting RTSS process %s | CheckProcs | There was an error starting this RTSS process |
Service Control Manager handle is not open | checkAliveRTSS | |
Error %d retrieving process handle for %s, error = %d | checkAliveWin32 | |
Error %d killing RTSS process %s using :%s: | killRTSS | |
Error %d killing Win32 process %s (PID %d) | killWin32 | |
Process %s (PID %d) not active | killWin32 | |
Access denied opening process %s (PID %d) handle | killWin32 | |
Error %d retrieving process handle for %s (PID %d) | killWin32 | |
Data dictionary is not tpriProc aware; screens will be unable to access tpriProc data | enableDDCom | |
NtRtCmd path not specified; unable to initialize NtRtCmd subsystem | initNtRtCmds | |
Error deleting file <%s> | cleanDir | Error deleting file |
Process initialization file (%s) updated. | checkNtRtProcCmd | File updated successfully |
Error getting ini file name. File has not been updated. | CheckNtRtProcCmd | Error getting process ini file name |
Error %d parsing process definition: %s | checkNtrtProcCmd | Error parsing line |
Error %d activating process %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd | |
Error %d deactivating process %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd | |
Error %d suspending process %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd | |
Error %d resuming process %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd | |
Error %d clearing error state from web page for process %s | checkNtRtProcCmd | |
Error %d activating group %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd | |
Error %d deactivating group %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd | |
Unable to find section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd | |
Unable to find key 'Func' int section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd | No function specified |
Unable to find key 'Queue' int section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd | No queue specified |
Unable to find key 'DbgLvl' int section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd | No function specified |
Unable to find key 'Msg' int section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd | No function specified |
Error processing complete statement: %s | Parse | There’s still more info to process |
Error validating variable criteria %s | Validate | |
At least one criteria group must be specified | Validate | |
Error validating criteria group | Validate | There was a general error that occurred during validation |
Error parsing target variable from string: %s | Parse | Variable parsing error has occurred |
Target variable must exist in global common: %s | Parse | Variable is not named in global common |
Target variable must be followed by '=' sign: %s | Parse | The next character to parse was not an “=” |
Error processing operation: %s | Parse | Error processing the operation |
Error processing complete statement: %s | Parse | Still more information left to parse |
Error validating ModifyVariable action %s | Validate | Error validating ModifyVariable action |
Error setting output type/size for action: %s | Validate | |
Unknown parameter: %s | FormatParam | |
Unknown parameter: %s=%s | ParseParam | |
Unknown parameter: %s | FormatParamDesc | |
Unable to parse enabled flag: %s | ParseEnabled | |
Unable to parse next time: %s | ParseNextEvalTime | |
Unable to parse evaluation interval: %s | ParseEvalInterval | |
Illegal evaluation interval: %s | ParseEvalInterval | Illegal evaluation interval |
Unable to parse lock-time-of-day flag: %s | ParseLockTimeOfDay | |
Unable to parse evaluation window: %s | ParseEvalWindow | |
Illegal evaluation window: %s | ParseEvalWindow | |
Unable to parse re-arm interval: %s | ParseRearmInterval | |
Rule name must be specified | Validate | |
Next evaluation time (%s) must be specified | Validate | |
Evaluation interval (%s) must be greater than zero | Validate | |
Evaluation window (%s) must be greater than zero | Validate | |
At least one action must be specified | Validate | |
Error validating actions | Validate | |
Failed to validate rule %s; rule will not be processed | AddRule | |
Unable to process add file %s | ProcRuleAdd | |
Unable to parse rule name from path %s | ProcRuleVerify | |
Unable to file rule for ID %s | ProcRuleVerify | unable to find rule |
Error copying configuration file %s to %s | CopyHmiCfgFile | |
Unable to find rule %s in file %s | Read | Didn’t find the nodes we want |
Multiple %s rules (%d) found in file %s | Read | Found too many nodes |
Unable to find any rules in file %s | Read | Unable to find any nodes |
Unable to translate text into XML node | ParseRule | Error translating text during parse |
Error writing rule configuration | Write | |
Unable to find '%s' param | ParseParam | Unable to find appropriate item |
Unable to convert '%s' field to ASCII | ParseParam | Unable to convert item to ASCII text |
Exception selecting field '%s': %s | ParseParam | |
Exception selecting field '%s': %s | WriteParam | |
Unable to create criteria of type %s | ReadCriteria | Unable to create a new criteria of the specified type |
Unable to parse %s criteria as %s | ReadCriteria | There was some error parsing |
Exception processing criteria: %s | ReadCriteria | |
Unable to create action of type %s | ReadActions | Unable to create a new criteria of the specified type |
Unable to parse %s action as %s | ReadCriteria | |
Exception processing actions: %s | ReadActions | |
Exception writing criteria: %s | WriteCriteria | |
Error mapping Trend global common %s (%d) | mapTrendGsm | |
No available slots for new trend variable %s/%s | reqTrendVar | |
tpriTrendGsm error initializing var %s/%s @ %d/%d | initVar | |
Error %d parsing variable definition | tpriTrendGsm::readIniFile | |
Unable to find correct file section [TrendGsmVars] | tpriTrendGsm::readIniFile | Unable to find correct file section |
Unable to find section [General] in ini file %s | readIniFile | Unable to find correct file section |
Invalid value %s for MaxTrendSrc in [General] section of %s | readIniFile | Invalid value |
Invalid value %s for MaxTrendVar in [General] section of %s | readIniFile | Invalid value |
Invalid value %s for TrendComSizeMB in [General] section of %s | readIniFile | Invalid value |
Unable to parse TriggerDefDir from %s TrendTrigger data collection will NOT be enabled | initTrendTrig | |
Unable to parse TriggerTrendDir from %s TrendTrigger data collection will NOT be enabled | initTrendTrig | |
DynamicTrendTimeout=%.0f is below the minimum allowed value of 600 seconds; resetting to minimum | readIniFile | |
Error %d parsing src definition | readIniFile | |
Specified size of TrendCom is too small for the specified number of variables; try >=%d MB or <=%d variables | InitTrendCom | |
Unable to open existing disk buffer file file %s, opening new | bufferVarToDisk | |
Unable to open disk trend file %s | bufferVarsToDisk | |
Disk buffer rollover on %s/%s; %.3f seconds to be buffered but only max %.3f seconds kept on disk | bufferVarToDisk | |
Mem buffer rollover on %s/%s; %.3f seconds to be buffered but only %.3f seconds in memory | bufferVarToDisk | |
Error writing %d data points to disk buffer, %d written | bufferVarToDisk | |
Error writing %d valid bytes to disk buffer, %d written | bufferVarToDisk | |
%d trending processes failed to release TRENDCOM w/in 5 seconds; continuing with save | saveTRENDCOM | |
Unable to open TRENDCOM image %s | saveTRENDCOM | Unable to open the file |
Error %d writing TRENDCOM to disk | saveTRENDCOM | |
Error %d reading header from TRENDCOM image | restoreTRENDCOM | |
TRENDCOM image header size %d differs from current size %d | restoreTRENDCOM | |
TRENDCOM image total size %d differs from current size %d | restoreTRENDCOM | |
TRENDCOM image internal dimensions differ from current dimensions | restoreTRENDCOM | |
Error %d reading tsDef[%d] from TRENDCOM image | restoreTRENDCOM | |
Trend source %d does not match TRENDCOM image; cannot load TRENDCOM image | restoreTRENDCOM | |
Error %d paging var defs from TRENDCOM disk image | restoreTRENDCOM | |
Error %d paging scratch from TRENDCOM disk image | restoreTRENDCOM | |
Error %d paging valid from TRENDCOM disk image | restoreTRENDCOM | |
Error %d paging scratchUsed from TRENDCOM disk image | restoreTRENDCOM | |
Failed to restore trending buffers; previous data will not be available | restoreTRENDCOM | |
Cannot claim restored variables without first fully initializing the trend source | claimRestoredVars | Can’t claim restored variables because we aren’t fully initialized |
Unable to request trend variable array <%s> | reqTrendVarArr | |
Cannot initialize variable %s without first fully initializing the trend source | initVar | |
Cannot restore trend variable %s because sampling period %.3f conflicts with base period %.3f | initVar | |
Requested in-memory trend time (%lu.%03lu) for %s/%s exceeds max of %lu.%03lu for samplePer=%lu.%03lu; resetting to max | initVar | |
tpriTrendSrc error %d initializing var %s/%s @ %d/%d | initVar | |
Cannot check ownership of variable %s without first fully initializing the trend source | isVarOwned | We can’t check ownership of variable because we aren’t fully initialized |
Cannot claim variable without first fully initializing the trend source | claimVars | |
Cannot clean dead variables without first fully initializing the trend source | cleanDeadVars | We can’t claim a variable because we aren’t fully initialized |
Cannot clean own dead variable %d without first fully initializing the trend source | cleanDeadVars | We can’t claim a variable because we aren’t fully initialized |
Cannot compact variables without first fully initializing the trend source | compactVars | |
Historical trend vars failed to go extinct in the allotted time; deleting manually | ~tpriTrendSrv | Trend manager never made our variable extinct |
Invalid start and end times: %u.%09u -> %u.%09u for src/var %d/%d | getTrendData | |
No more tpriTrigFile slots for history file %s | findTrendHist | |
Unable to find trigger history file %s | findTrendHist | |
Error %d reading trigger history file %s | findTrendHist | |
Unable to request historic trend variable %s/%s | findTrendHist | |
Unable to parse trigger condition string | InitTrigVar | Couldn’t parse the init string |
Unable to find trend source %s for trigger condition variable %s | initTrigVar | Couldn’t find the source |
Invalid operator '%s' trigger condition variable %s/%s | initTrigVar | Bad comparator |
Unable to request trigger condition variable %s/%s | checkValid | Flag an error |
Error %d setting thresh/cmp '%2.2s %s' on trigger variable %s/%s | checkValid | |
Unable to parse trend variable string | initTrendVar | Couldn’t parse the variable name |
Unable to find trend source %s for trigger trend variable %s | initTrendVar | Couldn’t find the source |
Unable to request trigger trend variable %s/%s | checkValid | |
Unable to open temporary trigger valid data file %s | startTrend | |
Unable to open temporary trigger point data file %s | startTrend | |
Error %d initializing trigger condition #%d | readTriggerDef | |
Error %d initializing trigger trend variable %d | readTriggerDef | |
Trend variable %s/%s must be realtime | readTriggerDef | This trend variable is not realtime |
Error detected; setting trigger %s inactive | checkTriggered | |
Unable to open trigger output file %s | endTrigger | |
Unable to find [TrendTrigDefs] section in file %s; initializing without any default trends | initTrendTrig | |
Fatal error initializing trend trigger %s | addTrigger | |
Unable to find available slot for trend trigger %s | addTrigger | No room for trigger |
Unable to open trigger status file %s | WriteTrigStat | Error opening trigger status file |
Unable to find Name tag in file %s | readTriggerDef | |
Invalid NumTriggerVars=%d | readTriggerDef | Bad number of variables |
Invalid NumTrendVars=%d | readTriggerDef | |
Unable to parse trend variable %d name/alias | readTriggerDef | |
Invalid PreTriggerTrendTime=%s | readTriggerDef | |
Invalid PostTriggerTrendTime=%s | readTriggerDef | |
Invalid MaxTrendTime=%s | readTriggerDef | |
axTrendTime must be greater than or equal to PreTriggerTrendTime + PostTriggerTrendTime | readTriggerDef | |
Invalid SaveDate=%s | readTriggerDef | |
Unable to guess tpriNtRtVersion | readTriggerDef | |
The trigger file %s is not compatible with this version of TSENTRY | readTriggerDef | |
Unable to open file %s | readTrendVarDef | Unable to open the file |
Unable to seek to position %d in file %s | readTrendVarDef | Unable to seek to the correct position in the file |
Unable to read trendvarDef from file %s | readTrendVarDef | unable to read the data from the file |
Unable to trailing delimiter (%c) in string: %s | Parse | there was an error |
Invalid character operand: %s | Parse | check that we really only have the one character |
Variable name is too long: %.*s | Parse | not enough room to import variable name |
No name to validate | Validate | we don't have a name to validate, so we should have already validated, but for some reason we have not |
Unable to find %s in data dictionary | Validate | invalid variable name |
Array variable %s not allowed | Validate | Array variable found |
Variable not initialized | Validate | we haven't tried to parse anything for this variable |
Error: failed to validate actual variable | SetCvtInfo | |
Error: cannot reduce length of string during conversion | SetCvtInfo | |
Error: cannot find conversion function for type %d -> %d | SetCvtInfo | |
Variable not defined | UpdateCvt | |
Actual variable not validated | UpdateCvt | |
Converted variable not validated | UpdateCvt | |
Error validating variable operation %s | Validate | There was an error validating an operand |
Unable to get operator function for operator #%d (%d/%d) -> (%d/%d) | Validate | |
Error validating variable operation output %s | Validate | There was an error validating the output |
Error processing first operand of operation: %s | ParseOperation | |
Error processing first operand of operation: %s | ParseOperation | |
Error processing second operand of operation: %s | ParseOperation | |
Error locating closing parenthesis of operation: %s | ParseOperation | |
Invalid external operator: %.*s | ParseOperation | |
Invalid external operator: %s | ParseOperation | |
Operation failed; cancelling further operations | Evaluate | |
Output update failed; cancelling further operations | Evaluate | |
WSAStartup error: %d: Winsock not available | tpriABPlc::Config | |
inet_addr failed; host '%s' | tpriABPlc::Config | |
Function exit; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect | |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successful; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect | |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | Connect | |
Function exit; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect | |
Connect error %d %d | Connect | Undetermined Error occurred |
max retries (%d) exceeded | Connect | |
Function exit; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect | Disconnect (hSess) |
Error on NewSessionRequest %d | Connect | |
Error on NewSessionReply Function exit; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect | |
Send the loopback error %d | LoopBack | |
Send a nop; fstatus=%d | SendNop | |
rstatus=%d | SendWordRangeRead | Invalid parameters |
Send a command (word range read) %d | WRR | |
Send a command (word range write) %d | WRW | |
Tcp Recv Timeout @ %d ms (%d retries) | tpriABPlc::TcpRcv | |
TcpSnd tcp/io max retries(%d) | TcpSnd | |
Write error to PLC, rc=%d | ScanIO | |
Read error from PLC, rc=%d | tpriABPlc::Write | |
Write error to PLC, rc=%d | tpriABPlc::Write | |
Undefined data type specified (%d) | tpriCLeip::bldPCCCX | |
Service code 0xD4 not returned in reply: 0x%0hX | tpriCLeip::procFwdOpen | |
Service code 0xCE not returned in reply: 0x%0hX | tpriCLeip::procFwdClose | |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::registerSession | |
Build message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdOpen | |
Send message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdOpen | |
Receive message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdOpen | |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdClose | |
Send message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdClose | |
Receive message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdClose | |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::writClPccc | |
Send message error: %d | tpriCLeip::writClPccc | |
TCP response not successfully received (%d) | tpriCLeip::writClPccc | |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::read5Pccc | |
Build message error: %d | tpriCLeip::readClPccc | |
Send message error: %d | tpriCLeip::readClPccc | |
Receive response error: %d | tpriCLeip::readClPccc | |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::rwClCip | |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Invalid or unsupported encapsulation command | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError | |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Insufficient memory resources to handle command | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError | |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Poorly formed or incorrect encapsulation data | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError | |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Invalid session handle | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError | |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Invalid length of message received | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError | |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Unsupported encapsulation protocol revision | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError | |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Unknown error | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Connection failure | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Resource unavailable | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid parameter value | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Path segment identifier or segment index not understood | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Path destination unknown | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Partial data transfer | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Connection lost | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Service not supported | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid attribute value | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Attribute list error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Already in requested mode/state | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Object state conflict | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Object already exists | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Attribute not settable | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Privilege violation | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Device state conflict | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Reply data too large | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Fragmentation of a primitive value | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Not enough data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Attribute not supported | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Too much data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Object does not exist | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Service fragmentation sequence not in progress | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: No stored attribute data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Store operation failure | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Routing failure, request packet too large | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Routing failure, response packet too large | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Missing attribute list entry data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid attribute value list | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Embedded service error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Vendor specific error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid parameter | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Write-once value or medium already written | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid reply received | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Key failure in path | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Path size invalid | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Unexpected attribute list | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid Member ID | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Member not settable | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Group 2 only server general failure | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: CIP read/write error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Unknown error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection in use or duplicate Forward Open | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Transport class and trigger combo. not supported | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Ownership conflict | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection not found at target app. | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid connection type or priority | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid connection size | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Device not configured | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: RPI not supported or conn time-out multiplier error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection manager cannot support any more connections | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Either the Vendor ID or Product Code does not match the device | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Product Type does not match the device | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Major or Minor Revision information does not match the device | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid Connection Point | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid Configuration Format | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection request failure: no controlling connection open | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Target application cannot support any more connections | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: RPI is smaller than the Production Inhibit Time | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection cannot be closed since connection timed out | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Unconnected Send timeout out waiting for response | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Parameter Error in Unconnected Send Service | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Message too large for Unconnected message service | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Unconnected acknowledge without reply | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Beginning offset beyond end of template | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Accessing data beyond end of data object | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Abbr. type does not match data object type | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: No buffer memory available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Network bandwidth not available for data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: No tag filters available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Not configured to send real-time data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Port specified in port segment not available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Link address specified in port segment not available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid segment type or segment value in path | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Path and connection not equal in close | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Either segment not present or network segment encoded value invalid | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Link address to self invalid | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Resource on secondary unavailable | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection already established | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Direct connection already established | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Miscellaneous | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Redundant connection mismatch | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: No more consumer resources available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: No connection resources exist for target path | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Unknown error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Destination node is out of buffer space | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Cannot guarantee delivery (no remote ACK) | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Duplicate token holder detected | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Local port is disconnected | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Application layer timed out waiting for response | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Duplicate node detected | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Station is offline | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Hardware fault | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Illegal command or format | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Host has a problem and will not communicate | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Remote node host is missing, disconnected, or shutdown | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Host could not complete function due to hardware fault | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Addressing problem or memory protect rungs | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Function not allowed due to command protection selection | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Processor is in Program mode | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Compatibility mode file missing or comm. zone problem | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Remote node cannot buffer command | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Wait ACK (1775-KA buffer full) | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Remote node problem due to download | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Command specific extended status error 0x%02hX | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Unknown error | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError | |
Undefined data type requested (%d) | tpriCLeip::usrParms | |
Err: %d: Winsock not available | tpriCLeip::conn0 | |
Exit; connStatus=%d | tpriCLeip::conn0 | |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successfull; connStatus=%d | tpriCLeip::conn0 | |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | tpriCLeip::conn1 | |
Connect error %d %d | tpriCLeip::conn1 | |
max retries (%d) exceeded | tpriCLeip::conn1 | |
Tcp Recv Timeout @ %d ms (%d retries) | tpriCLeip::TcpRcv | |
TcpSnd tcp/io max retries(%d) | TcpSnd | |
IPPROTO_TCP timestamp off not successful; GetLastError()=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
TM_TCP_TS timestamp off not successful; GetLastError()=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
Set Nagle Algorithm Off not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
Keepalive not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
setsockopt (SO_RCVBUF) not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
setsockopt (SO_SNDBUF) not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
Bind error; fstatus=%d WSAGetLastError=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
inet_addr failed; host '%s' | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | tpriGePlc::Connect | Select Failed |
Err connecting to %s: Connection refused (%d) | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
Error connecting to %s:%d (%d): %s | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
connect not successful; fstatus=%d WSAGetLastError()=%d TstTimer=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
writ4x msg bld unsuccessful | tpriModPlc::writ4x | |
Write command PLC unsuccessful | tpriModPlc::writ4x | |
TCP response not successfully received (%d) | tpriModPlc::writ4x | |
encode_read4x msg bld unsuccessful | tpriModPlc::read4x | |
Read cmd to PLC unsuccessful | tpriModPlc::read4x | |
TCP response not successfully received (%d) | tpriModPlc::read4x | |
Err: %d: Winsock not available | tpriModPlc::conn0 | |
Exit; connStatus=%d | tpriModPlc::conn0 | |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successfull; connStatus=%d | tpriModPlc::conn0 | |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | tpriModPlc::conn1 | Select failed |
Connect error %d %d | tpriModPlc::conn1 | |
max retries (%d) exceeded | tpriModPlc::conn1 | |
Tcp Recv Timeout @ %d ms (%d retries) | tpriModPlc::TcpRcv | |
TcpSnd tcp/io max retries(%d) | TcpSnd | |
Transmit Message detects broken connection error = %d | tpriModPlc::TransmitMessage | |
Broken connection error = %d | tpriModPlc::rx_msg | |
Remote Side Closed the Connection | tpriModPlc::rx_msg | |
Err: %d: Winsock not available | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options | |
Socket Create error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options | |
setsockopt keep alive error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options | |
setsockopt linger error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options | |
setsockopt out of band error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options | |
WSAAsyncSelect error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options | |
WSAAsyncGetHostByName failed with error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_initiate_connection | |
Connect Request Failed with error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_connect_rq | |
tcpip_event unexpected event = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_event | |
Err: calling checkRio - status = %d | tpriRio::TstRtp | |
Ecnt(Ai Ao Di Do) Curr: %d %d %d %d Tot: %d %d %d %d Stat: %d %d %d %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt | |
Err: timeout reading AI's from %s - continuing | tpriRio::ErrRpt | |
Err reading A/Is on %s; status = %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt | |
timeout writing AO's - to %s - continuing | tpriRio::ErrRpt | |
Err writing A/Os on %s; status = %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt | |
Err: timeout reading DI's from %s - continuing | tpriRio::ErrRpt | |
Err reading D/Is on %s; status = %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt | |
timeout occurred writing DO's to %s - continuing | tpriRio::ErrRpt | |
Err writing D/Os on %s; status = %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt | |
%s open failed | tpriRio::ReadPIF | |
Err: opening eiobc at %s - status = %d | tpriRio::OpenIOBC | |
Err: Loading A/I Scan list to eiobc %s; status = %d | tpriRio::DnldIOBC | |
Err: Loading D/I Scan list to eiobc %s; status = %d | tpriRio::DnldIOBC | |
Err: Loading A/O Scan list to eiobc %s; status = %d | tpriRio::DnldIOBC | |
Err: Loading D/O Scan list to eiobc %s; status = %d | tpriRio::DnldIOBC | |
Err: EIOBC Download not successfully | tpriRio::DnldIOBC | |
call to openRio not made | tpriRio::checkRio | |
Err: sending GET_STATUS command to EIOBC | tpriRio::checkRio | |
Err: Return code from GET_STATUS Command = %d | tpriRio::checkRio | |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: sending DESTROY_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC for AI's | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: Return code from DESTROY_SCAN_LIST for AI's Command = %d | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: sending DESTROY_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC for DI's | tpriRio::closeRio | |
DESTROY_SCAN_LIST for DI's Command = %d | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: sending DESTROY_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC for AO's | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: Return code from DESTROY_SCAN_LIST for AO's Command = %d | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: sending DESTROY_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC for DO's | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: Return code from DESTROY_SCAN_LIST for DO's Command = %d | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: sending CLOSE command to EIOBC | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: closing ethernet connection to EIOBC | tpriRio::closeRio | |
Err: sending analog input CREATE_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list | |
Err: Return code from analog input CREATE_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list | |
Err: sending analog input GET_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list | |
Err: Return code from analog input GET_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list | |
Err: Returned analog input Scan Handle doesn't match! | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list | |
Err: Returned A/I Count doesn't match | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list | |
Err: Analog Input scan list error: miscompare ... | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list | |
Err: sending analog output CREATE_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list | |
Err: Return code from analog output CREATE_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list | |
Err: sending A/O GET_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list | |
Err: Return code from analog output GET_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list | |
Err: Returned A/O Count doesn't match | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list | |
Err: Analog Output scan list error, miscompare ... | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list | |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::laiRio | |
Err: OPENING FILE %s | tpriRio::laiRio | |
Number of AI's in scan list file doesn't match calling argument | tpriRio::laiRio | |
Expected %d AI's; got %d | tpriRio::laiRio | |
The requested number of AI's ( %d ) is too large | tpriRio::laiRio | |
Err: creating AI scan list | tpriRio::laiRio | |
Err: creating AI scan list | tpriRio::laiRio | |
Err: in analog input scan list file | tpriRio::laiRio | |
Expected %d AI's; recvd %d | tpriRio::laiRio | |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::laoRio | |
Err: OPENING %s FILE... | tpriRio::laoRio | |
Number of AO's in scan list file doesn't match calling argument | tpriRio::laoRio | |
Expected %d AO's; got %d | tpriRio::laoRio | |
The requested number of AO's ( %d ) is too large | tpriRio::laoRio | |
Err: creating AO scan list | tpriRio::laoRio | |
Err: analog output scan list file | tpriRio::laoRio | |
Expected %d AO's; recvd %d | tpriRio::laoRio | |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: OPENING %s FILE... | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Number of DI's in scan list file doesn't match calling argument | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Expected %d DI's; got %d | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: in digital input scan list file | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Expected %d DI's; recvd %d | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: sending digital input CREATE_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: Return code from digital input CREATE_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: sending digital input GET_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: Return code from digital input GET_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: Returned digital input Scan Handle doesn't match! | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: Returned digital input Count doesn't match | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: Digital Input scan list error, miscompare ... | tpriRio::ldiRio | |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: OPENING FILE %s | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Number of DO's in scan list file doesn't match calling argument | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Expected %d DO's; recvd %d | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Expected %d DO's; recvd %d | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: digital output scan list file Expected %d DO's; recvd %d | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: sending digital output CREATE_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: Return code from digital output CREATE_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: sending digital output GET_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: Return code from digital output GET_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: Returned digital output Scan Handle doesn't match! | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: Returned digital output Count doesn't match | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: Digital Output scan list error, miscompare ... | tpriRio::ldoRio | |
Err: loading EIOBC destination address - exiting | tpriRio::openRio | |
Err: initializing the ethernet controller - exiting | tpriRio::openRio | |
Err: sending OPEN command to EIOBC | tpriRio::openRio | |
Err: Return code from OPEN Command = %d | tpriRio::openRio | |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::raiRio | |
Err: call to laiRio not made | tpriRio::raiRio | |
Read Err A/I pnt# %d, status=0x%2X CorrelationID=0x%X | tpriRio::raiRio | |
Type=0x%X Data=0x%X | tpriRio::raiRio | |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::rdiRio | |
Err: call to ldiRio not made | tpriRio::rdiRio | |
Err: sending RESET command to EIOBC | tpriRio::rdiRio | |
Err: Return code from RESET Command = %d | tpriRio::rdiRio | |
Err: closing ethernet connection to EIOBC | tpriRio::rdiRio | |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::waoRio | |
Err: call to laoRio not made | tpriRio::waoRio | |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::waoRio | |
Err: call to ldoRio not made | tpriRio::wdoRio | |
WSAStartup error: %d: Winsock not available | tpriRio::linkio | |
linkio must be called with option = 1 first | tpriRio::linkio | |
Err: Unable to create socket - %d | tpriRio::linkio | |
Err: cannot connect to server - %d | tpriRio::linkio | |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriRio::linkio | |
linkio must be called with option = 2 first | tpriRio::linkio | |
Output buffer too long | tpriRio::linkio | |
Input buffer too long | tpriRio::linkio | |
Input buffer too short | tpriRio::linkio | |
socket write failed | tpriRio::linkio | |
linkio must be called with option = 2 first | tpriRio::linkio | |
Output buffer too long | tpriRio::linkio | |
Input buffer too long | tpriRio::linkio | |
Input buffer too short | tpriRio::linkio | |
unsolicited msg received; size=%d | tpriRio::linkio | |
socket write failed | tpriRio::linkio | |
recv failed; rsize=%d, errno=%d | tpriRio::linkio | |
invalid address size | tpriRio::linkio | |
no data in message | tpriRio::linkio | |
Variable %s bad remote type %s | InitDrv | |
Conversion of type not allowed under specified mode for variable %s | InitDrv | |
Unable to find appropriate conversion function to %s for variable %s | InitDrv | |
Bit index not specified for variable %s | InitDrv | |
Invalid bit index '%s' specified for variable %s (type=%d) | InitDrv | |
Specified mode for variable %s does not allow type conversions | InitDrv | |
Unable to open file %s | writeIODesc | |
Error unmapping PCI memory | closeVMIC | |
Error processing %s: undefined mode %d | runDrv | |
Error: sync failure | chkStatus | |
Error: sync not established (%x) | chkStatus | |
Bad big/little endian settings = 0x%2.2x; resetting to 0x%2.2x | chkStatus | |
Driver initialization failed: %d | stateDrv | |
Error %d writing buffer to communcations device %s | stateDrv | |
Receive buffer overrun (%d bytes) | tpriRdc::waitRsp | |
Receive timeout from %s | waitRsp | |
Error connecting to %s:%d, ComConn=%d, errno=%d | tpriRdcCbx::resetConn | |
Comm device name unassigned; setting idle | setupComm | |
Comm device name set to %s: setting idle | setupComm | |
read error; GetLastError = %d | tpriRdcSer::waitRsp | |
Comm device name unassigned; setting idle | setupComm | |
Comm device name set to %s: setting idle | setupComm | |
Error %d setting socket I/O blocking %d | setupComm | |
Error %d writing buffer to communcations device %s: %s | xmitMsg | |
Connection closed to %s | clrRsp | |
Read error(%d): %s | clrRsp | |
Connection closed to %s | tpriRdcTcp::waitRsp | |
Read error(%d): %s | tpriRdcTcp::waitRsp | |
Recv'd End connection reqst | tpriRdcTcp::waitRsp | |
Error %d setting socket I/O blocking %s | setBlocking | Non-blocking request was not successful |
gethostbyname failed; host '%s'; LastError=%d | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
inet_addr failed; host '%s' | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Error %d opening stream socket | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Error %d setting keep-alive on: %s | open | |
Error %d getting keepalive option: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Error %d setting send buffer size: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Error %d getting send buffer size: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Error %d setting receive buffer size: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Error %d getting receive buffer size: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Err connecting to %s: Connection refused (%d) | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Error connecting to %s:%d (%d): %s | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Err connecting to %s: Connection refused (%d) | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Non-blocking connection to %s:%d failed (%d) | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
Error connecting to %s:%d (%d): %s | tpriRdcTcp::open | |
gethostbyname failed; host '%s'; LastError=%d | OpenComm | |
Error granting access to console | tpriConnThread::InitInstance | |
Error granting access to console | tpriSvrApp::InitInstance | |
Error opening file %s | readBuildInfo | |
Unable to find section '%s' in file %s | readBuildInfo | |
Error copying initial htm file (either existing htm or template) %s to %s | createScreenHtm | |
Error opening temp output file %s | createScreenHtm | |
Error copying temp output file %s to final output file %s | createScreenHtm | |
File version error: %s cannot have an earlier date than %s.\n\n If %s is no longer used by the %s screen then please delete this file. | copyScreenDlls | |
Failed to copy \"%s\" to \"%s\" | copyScreenDlls | |
Unable to create directory \"%s\" | copyFlatHtmFiles | |
Failed to copy \"%s\" to \"%s\" | copyFlatHtmFiles | |
Error %d opening file %s | createIncludeCab | |
Unable to find 'install.files' section in %s | createIncludeCab | |
Too many files in 'install.files' section of %s | createIncludeCab | |
Unable to parse file name from <%s> in %s | createIncludeCab | |
Error %d opening file %s | createIncludeCab | |
Cannot find version number in %s | createIncludeCab | |
Cannot find class ID in %s | createIncludeCab | |
Error %d copying file %s to %s | createIncludeCab | |
Error %d opening file %s | createIncludeCab | |
Error %d opening file %s | createIncludeCab | |
Error %d copying file %s to %s | updVersionCtrl | |
Unable to find file %s | execCabarc | |
Directory found where we expected file %s | execCabarc | |
Cabarc.exe did not finish in the allotted time | execCabarc | |
Error %d exectuting <%s> | execCabarc | |
Cabarc.exe failed to create file %s | execCabarc | |
Directory found where we expected cab file %s | execCabarc | |
SignCode on %s (%s) did not finish in the allotted time | execSigncode | |
Error %d signing cab file %s (%s) | execSigncode | |
Error %d exectuting <%s> | execSigncode | |
VB project build for %s did not finish in the allotted time | execVBBuild | |
Error %d making VB project %s | execVBBuild | |
Error %d exectuting <%s> | execVBBuild | |
Error %d opening ini file %s | readIniGeneral | |
Error %d finding next screen | getNextScreen | |
“The VB.NET screen " + screenName + " must be rebuilt in the Visual Studio environment | Build&Publish | |
“The screen " + screenName + "is an invalid screen type.” | Build&Publish | |
Unable to find any screens for group %s | build&Publish | |
Error %d opening ini file %s | readIniGeneral | |
Failed to initialize tpriTrend object | Trend Process | |
Error %d setting up Windows sockets | GsmExpRcv | |
Unable to find file section [GsmExpSvrs] in %s | readIniFile | |
Unable to find correct line in section [GsmExpSvrs] of %s | readIniFile | |
Unable to parse group name in line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile | |
Unable to parse remote address in line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile | |
Unable to parse update rate in line %d of section GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile | |
Invalid update rate = %d ms on line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile | |
Unable to parse timeout factor in line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile | |
Invalid timeout factor = %d on line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile | |
Unable to find any entries in section [%s] of ini file %s | ReadIniFile | |
Unable to find section [%s] of ini file %s | ReadIniFile | |
Unable to find line %d in section [%s] of %s | ReadIniFile | |
Unable to parse remote variable name from line %d in section [%s] of %s | ReadIniFile | |
Unable to parse local variable name from line %d in section [%s] of %s | ReadIniFile | |
Failed data dictionary lookup of %s from line %d "in section [%s] of %s | ReadIniFile | |
Undecipherable data received; discarding %d bytes | testRsp | |
Received message while in bad receiver state %d | procRsp | |
Received bad message type %d; expecting variable definitions (%d) | procVarDef | |
Received message containing %d bytes (expecting %d for %d vars) | procVarDef | |
Remote variable %s not defined: vType=%d size=%d | procVarDef | |
Remote variable %s is of incorrect type %d (expecting %d) | procVarDef | |
Remote variable %s is of incorrect size %d (expecting %d) bytes | procVarDef | |
Received bad message type %d; expecting variable update (%d) | procVarUpd | |
Received message containing %d bytes (expecting %d for %d vars) | procVarUpd | |
Request for invalid variable %s | parseVars | |
Error removing variable <%s> with no conns | GsmOpcSvr | |
Error updating OPC variable <%s> | GsmOpcSvr | |
%d clients did not disconnect; exiting regardless | GsmOpcSvr | |
Error creating OPC tag for '%s' | UnknownItemProc | |
Error updating OPC variable '%s' for first time | UnknownItemProc | |
Request for undefined variable %s (Path = %s) | UnknownItemProc | |
Unable to find tag | WriteNotifyProc | |
Error writing OPC variable %s, %d bytes | WriteNotifyProc | |
OPC variable <%s> wrong variant type | WriteNotifyProc | |
Error %d copying variant back to local tag list | WriteNotifyProc | |
Unable to find tag on second pass | WriteNotifyProc | |
Error updating tag %s after new value written | WriteNotifyProc | |
Unknown command line argument %s | GsmPifBld | |
Error changing default packing alignment from %d to %d | setDefPackAlign | |
No slots available to add include directory %s | addIncDir | |
Parsing error in header file <%s> at line #%d | createPif | |
%s%s not found in any include directory: | createPif | |
Maximum number of structure entries (%d) has been exceeded | parseInput | |
Error: unable to insert #define: <%s> | parseLbDefine | |
Error: #define equates to the replacement string: <%s> | parseLbDefine | |
Error parsing #define statement <%s> | parseLbDefine | |
Unable to #undef undefined variable <%s> | parseLbUndef | |
Error parsing #undef statement <%s> | parseLbUndef | |
Error parsing #include <%s> | parseLbInclude | |
Invalid #pragma pack(push, x); unable to find comma | parseLbPragma | |
Invalid #pragma pack(push, x); pack value not specified | parseLbPragma | |
Invalid #pragma pack(pop); more pop's than pushes | parseLbPragma | |
Bad #pragma pack(%s) | parseLbPragma | |
%sIgnoring unknown directive <#pragma %s> on line #%d | parseLbPragma | |
Error defining new structure <%s> | parseStruct | |
Duplicate structure <%s> | parseStruct | |
Embedded unions not allowed | parseTypedef | |
Embedded typedefs not allowed | parseTypedef | |
Error defining new enum <%s> | parseStruct | |
Duplicate name <%s> | parseStruct | |
Error instantiating existing structure <%s><%s> | parseStruct | |
Error: multiple 'extern' directives | parseExtern | |
Error: closing brace while level == 0 | parseEndLevel | |
Error parsing type information from \"%40.40s\" | parseGeneral | |
Ignoring pointer typedef %s %s | parseGeneral | |
Invalid declaration of pointer variable %s %s | parseGeneral | |
Invalid variable name <%s> | procVarDef | |
Error %d defining variable <%s><%s> | procVarDef | |
Unable to open pif file <%s> | writePif | |
Unable to find %s in data dict | TestSize | |
%s size is incorrect: actual = %d, ddcom=%d | TestSize | |
%s offset is incorrect: actual = %d, ddcom=%d | TestSize | |
Error initializing data dictionary | BuildDict | |
Error building structure file %s | TestHeader | |
Error building data dictionary for file %s | TestHeader | |
Error testing data dictionary for file %s | TestHeader | |
Failed start of NtRtMgr due to presence of existing processes | NtRtStart | |
Failed start of NtRtMgr due to presence of existing processes | NtRtStart | |
Error reading LogMsg config file name from ini file <%s> | NtRtStart | |
Error reading process definitions from ini file <%s> | NtRtStart | |
Error reading process definition file name from ini file <%s> | NtRtStart | |
Unable to create data dictionary global common: DDCOM common already exists. One or more processes have not completely released their resources. Please terminate those processes and restart the system. | NtRtStart | |
Error initializing data dictionary from ini files <%s> and <%s>. | NtRtStart | Data dictionary not properly initialized |
Error reading variable definitions from ini file <%s>. These variables will be ignored and system startup will continue. | NtRtStart | |
Error reading variable definitions from ini file <%s>. The system cannot start. | NtRtStart | The ini file parameter says don't even try to kill them off |
Error %d sorting data dictionary to optimize lookups | NtRtStart | Sort failed |
Error initializing process information for %s | NtRtStart | |
Error creating global shared memory areas | NtRtStart | |
Failure restoring global shared memory. | NtRtStart | |
Error %d initializing NtRtCmd subsystem | NtRtStart | |
Failure starting all processes | NtRtStart | |
LogMsg buffer overrun; lost >= %d messages | LogMsgUpdate | |
Process initialization file (%s) updated. | CNtRtMgrDlg::OnEditProc | |
Error %d opening file %s | readIni | |
Unable to find section [AppShutdownOpts] in file %s | readIni | |
Error %d parsing shutdown option %d from section [AppShutdownOpts] in file %s | readIni | |
Unable to find appication shutdown option variable %s in data dictionary | parseShutdownOpts | |
Appication shutdown option variable %s is not valid type (I4/UI4) | parseShutdownOpts | |
Application shutdown process %s is not a valid process | parseShutdownOpts | |
Unable to save current trigger list to ini file %s | TrendTrig | |
Out of memory @ structure %s | structDef::readIni | Ran out of memory during structure read |
Out of memory @ structure %s | initFromHdr | Ran out of memory during parse of name string |
Out of memory @ gsm %s | gsmDef::gsmDef | Ran out of memory during GSM definition |
Out of memory @ gsm %s | gsmDef::readIni | Ran out of memory during GSM struct definition read-in |
GSM variable name %s is not unique | readIni | Name read during GSM read-in is not unique |
Unable to parse GSM variable name from line | readIni | Unable to parse GSM variable name from the read-in line |
Error setting structure type %s for GSM %s | readIni | Search for type in struct item list failed |
Unable to parse type name for GSM %s | readIni | Unable to parse type name for GSM |
Out of memory @ gsm %s | gsmDef::readIni | |
GSM object name %s for GSM %s is not unique | readIni | |
Unable to parse GSM object name for GSM %s | readIni | |
Unable to parse GSM mask for GSM %s | readIni | |
Out of memory @ gsm %s | gsmDef::readIni | |
Unable to parse ascii disk file name for GSM %s | readIni | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | varDef::readIni | |
Error reading unknown variable name from %s | varDef::readIni | |
Error reading variable %s persistence flag | varDef::readIni | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | varDef::readIni | |
Error reading variable %s format | varDef::readIni | |
Error reading variable %s init value | varDef::readIni | |
Error reading variable %s min value | varDef::readIni | |
Error reading variable %s max value | varDef::readIni | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | varDef::readIni | |
Error reading variable %s description | varDef::readIni | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | shortVar::readIniValue | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | longVar::readIniValue | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | int64Var::readIniValue | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | floatVar::readIniValue | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | doubleVar::readIniValue | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | longVar::readIniValue | |
Out of memory @ variable %s | stringVar::readIniValue | |
Error: global common is not mapped | readIniFiles | Global common was not mapped accurately |
Unable to find [StructDef] section in sysStruct.ini file %s | readIniFiles | Open of struct def file failed |
Unable to find [GblCmnDef] section in sysVars.ini file %s | readIniFiles | Open of the variable def file failed |
Unable to find [VarDef] section in sysVars.ini file %s | readIniFiles | Open of var def file failed, but can continue |
Too many errors | ReadIniVarDefs | Over 99 errors occurred during execution of var def read-in |
Symbol & source line: %s | crashHandler | Display of extended exception information |
Symbol & source line: Unknown symbol and source | crashHandler | Unable to display extended exception information, because ptr was NULL |
Stack trace: | crashHandler | A display of the entire stack |
Register dump: | crashHandler | A display the entirety of memory after a crash |
Fatal Error -- Invalid parameter: %ws in %ws | invalidParameterHandler | Invalid parameter error occurred |
Mapped TrendCom has different internal dimensions than those currently specified | mapTrendGsm | An existing global common is mapped with different internal dimensions |
ERROR! Trying to disconnect a connecting socket | tpriCLeip::disconnect | Error in trying to disconnect a socket that is connected or connecting |
Undefined PCCC message type = %d | tpriCLeip::bldPCCC5 | |
Undefined PCCCX message type = %d | tpriCLeip::bldPCCCX | |
WSAStartup error %d: Winsock not available | tpriGePlc::Init | |
Err: GePlc Initialization NOT successful | tpriGePlc::Init | |
Socket is invalid | tpriGePlc::Connect | |
Err: EIOBC Initialization & Download NOT successful | tpriRio::InitIOBC | |
unable to bind socket | tpriRio::linkio | |
Unable to open VMIC ini file %s | InitDrv | |
Unable to find [General] section in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv | |
Invalid device index %d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv | Invalid board index in VMIC ini file |
Unable to find [VarDef] section in VMIC ini file %s | InitDrv | Unable to find VarDef section in VMIC ini file |
Unable to parse variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv | |
Error looking up variable pointer for %s | initDrv | Error retrieving pointer |
Unable to parse read/write flag from variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv | |
Invalid mode flag for variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv | |
Unable to parse offset from variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv | |
Invalid VMIC offset=%d for variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv | |
Variables %s(%d) and %s(%d) overlap in the VMIC buffer | initDrv | |
Error %d opening VMIC interface board %d | initDrv | |
Unable to find PCI card | openVMIC | |
Error mapping physical memory @ 0x%p into process | openVMIC | |
Error %d opening device %s | openVMIC | |
IOCTL_PCI55XX_MAP_RFM failed; lastError=%d | openVMIC | |
Variable %s @ offset/size = %ld/%d does not lie inside usable RFM memory | openVMIC | |
RFM memory size is %d bytes - User variables cannot start before offset %d | openVMIC | |
IOCTL_PCI55XX_UNMAP_RFM failed; lastError=%d | openVMIC | |
DemoCom Global Shared Memory mapping error | DemoCom | Error mapping the global shared memory area |
Processing command line parameters... | ProcCmdLine | Command line options were found |
Error parsing command line options at '%s' | ProcCmdLine | Can’t parse if next character is not a hyphen |
Error: invalid build/publish flag %c | ProcCmdLine | |
Error: cannot specify a screen without first specifying build/publish flags and group name. | ProcCmdLine | Not enough parameters have been specified |
Error: invalid screen: %s | ProcCmdLine | Invalid screen name |
Command line calling format: tpriPublisher -b|p -g Group [-a] [-s Screen] | ProcCmdLine | Invalid calling parameters for tpriPublisher |
Error reading trend manager ini file %s; fstatus = %d | TrendMgr | Process definitions not read in correctly from ini file |
GSM Export Receiver ini file not specified | GsmExpRcv | |
Unable to find any [GsmExpSvrs] entries in ini file %s | GsmExpRcv | |
Unable to initialize GsmExpRcv(%d) from %s | GsmExpRcv | |
Error initializing process | GsmOpcSvr | Unable to initialize the process environment using Command Line parameters |
Error initializing OPC Server | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error initializing the OPC server |
Error enabling event messages | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error enabling the event messages from OPC server |
Error enabling WriteNotification | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error in enabling callback notifications for client writes |
Error enabling UnknownItemNotification | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error enabling callback notification for requests for unknown items |
Error enabling ItemRemovalNotification | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error enabling notification for item removal |
Error enabling EnableDisconnectNotification | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error enabling disconnect notification from clients |
Error disabling 30 minute timer. | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error deactivating the 30 minute timer so that program can run forever |
# OPC conns has exceeded the maximum allowed; forcing exit | GsmOpcSvr | Opc connections has exceeded the maximum allowed, forcing a program exit. |
Not enough command line parameters. Correct calling format is: GsmPifBld [-p<defPackAlign>] [-i<incDir>] <pif.ini> <header.h> | GsmPifBld | There were an incorrect number of command line parameters |
Error processing %d bytes at end of file %s: | createPif | The program has stopped but there are still bytes left in the file |
Encountered #error directive | parseLbError | |
Embedded enums are not allowed | parseEnum | |
Error executing \"%s\" | BuildStruct | |
Failed to wait for process completion for \"%s\" | BuildStruct | |
At least one test failed! | GsmPifBldTest | |
Ini file not specified, exiting | MillSim | No ini file was specified |
Error initializing process | MillSim | There was an error initializing the process |
SimCom Global Shared Memory mapping error | MillSim | Error in mapping the global shared memory area |
Unable to shut down the NtRtMgr window | NtRtStop | Unable to close the NtRtMgr window. |
Error %d mapping global commons | TrendGsm | There was an error mapping global shared memory areas |
Unable to create properly initialized tpriTrendGsm | TrendGsm | |
TrendMgr task not started; setting TrendGsm process error | TrendGsm | TrendMgr has not been started |
Error reading trend definitions from %s; fstatus = %d | TrendGsm | Process definitions are not in correctly |
Trend definitions file not specified, no trends started | TrendGsm | |
Error parsing ini file %s; fstatus = %d | TrendMgr | Process definitions were not parsed correctly |
Error initializing trend manager from ini file %s; fstatus = %d | TrendMgr | The Trend Manager was not initialized correctly |
Trend manager ini file not specified, unable to start trend manager | TrendMgr | |
Error initializing trend manager | TrendMgr | |
Error initializing process | TrendTrig | Unable to initialize the local process environment using Process Init File Parameters |
Error initializing trending system | TrendTrig | |
TrendMgr task not started; setting TrendTrig process error | TrendTrig | |
Unable to initialize trend trigger subsystem | TrendTrig | Unable to Process the ini file |
Trend trigger ini file not specified | TrendTrig | Trend trigger ini file was not specified |
Processed screen: XXXX | Build&Publish | Process screen was successful |
Process XXXX reactivated | CheckProc | Process was restarted by Activate and successful |
Process XXXX pulse timer expired | CheckPulse | This process is off in the toolies, so kill it |
Sync reestablished | ChkStatus | Sync reestablished |
Host IP Addr:XXX, Timeout=YYYY | Config | |
Accepting connection from XXXX (YYYY) | CreateSpecific | |
Connection broken to XXXX (YYYY) | DeleteSpecific | |
Trigger XXXX data collection stopped | EndTrigger | Trigger has just been turned off, and history trend has been updated |
Trigger XXXX file YYYY written | EndTrigger | The trigger file has been closed |
Piffile:XXXX | tpriGePlc::Init | Process .ini file contents read from PIF file |
Init file XXXX not found! | tpriGePlc::Init | PIF file open failed |
Piffile:XXXX | tpriRio::InitIOBC | Process .ini file contents read from PIF file |
EIOBC Initialization & Download completed successfully. | tpriRio::InitIOBC | IOBC was opened successfully |
IP VVVV A/Is WWWW A/Os XXXX D/Is YYYY D/Os ZZZZ | tpriRio::ReadPIF | |
Load EIOBC destination address complete | tpriRio::openRio | Completed load EIOBC destination address |
Initialization of the Ethernet controller complete | tpriRio::openRio | Completed Ethernet controller init |
New readTimotMax=XXXX | tpriRio::linkio | |
Error initializing process commons | GsmExpRcv | Unable to initialize process management class |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory Export Receiver XXXX | GsmExpRcv | Message to identify the system |
Error initializing process | GsmExpRcv | Unable to set up environment using process initialization file parameters |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory Export Server XXXX | GsmExpSrv | Successfully created the process initialization object |
Process exiting | GsmExpSvr | Making sure all connection threads exit before we do… |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory OPC Server XXXX | GsmOpcSvr | Putting out a message identifying the system |
Registering OPC Server GsmOpcSvr…. | GsmOpcSvr | Registering the server |
….server registration successful | GsmOpcSvr | Server reg successful |
….server registration unsuccessful | GsmOpcSvr | Server reg unsuccessful |
….client registration successful | GsmOpcSvr | Client reg successful |
….client registration unsuccessful | GsmOpcSvr | Client reg unsuccessful |
Unregistering OPC Server GsmOpcSvr…. | GsmOpcSvr | Unregistering the server |
….unregistration successful | GsmOpcSvr | unregistration successful |
….unregistration unsuccessful | GsmOpcSvr | unregistration successful |
Unknown command line parameters: XXXX | GsmOpcSvr | Parameter XXXX was passed into GsmOpcSvr, and is unknown |
No command line registration arguments specified | GsmOpcSvr | Command line arguments not specified |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory OPC Server XXXX | GsmOpcSvr | Putting out message identifying the system |
Wintech OPC Server DLL Revision XXXX | GsmOpcSvr | Putting out Wintech OPC Server DLL version |
Process exiting | GsmOpcSvr | |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory Data Dictionary Builder | GsmPifBld | Display Data Dict Builder version |
Successfully created pif file XXXX | GsmPifBld | Created Pif From Header |
Unable to create the pif file XXXX | GsmPifBld | Unable to create PIF from Header |
Retrying with extensive debugging information: | GsmPifBld | PIF file creation failed, changing to DBDETAIL and retrying |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory Data Dictionary Tester vXXXX | GsmPifBldTest | Display Data Dict Tester version |
All tests succeeded | GsmPifBldTest | All data dictionary tests succeeded |
VMIC configured for read-only | InitDrv | VMIC configured for read-only |
VMIC configured to write all zeros | InitDrv | VMIC configured to write all zeros |
VMIC interface successfully initialized | InitDrv | VMIC interface successfully init |
Unable to initialize VMIC interface | InitDrv | Unable to init VMIC |
Forcibly killing RTSS process XXXX | KillRTSS | Successfully created process using CreateProcess |
Forcibly killed Win32 process XXXX | KillWin32 | Reset the process ID to indicate termination |
Global Shared Memory Store Complete | NtRtMgr | Shouted message to indicate GSM save |
NtRt system completely shut down | NtRtMgr | Shouted message to say all done |
Error processing system stop request | NtRtMgr | Error processing system stop requests |
Initiating Windows reboot | NtRtMgr | System reboot requested |
Initiating Windows shutdown | NtRtMgr | System shutdown requested |
TSENTRY Real-time Process Control System Manager vXXXX | NtRtMgr | Message identifying the system |
TSENTRY Real-time Extended Library: XXXX | NtRtMgr | Message identifying the system |
Global Shared Memory Restore Complete | NtRtMgr | Restoring the persistent variables complete |
Start all system processes | NtRtMgr | Start up application processes |
TSENTRY System startup complete | NtRtMgr | Start up was successful |
TSHENTRY Process Monitor vXXX | NtRtMgr | Message to identify the system |
Error initializing process | NtRtMtr | Unable to init process |
Process exiting | NtRtMtr | |
WARNING: NtRtMgr started while existing processes active | NtRtStart | A second instance of NtRtMgr was started |
NtRtCmd path not specified in XXXX; screens will be unable to issue NtRtCmds | NtRtStart | |
TSENTRY NtRtStop Process vXXXX | NtRtStop | Message identifying the system |
Some processes left alive | NtRtStop | Some processes left alive |
Error XXXX deactivating all processes | NtRtStop | Errors deactivating processes |
Process exiting | NtRtStop | Process exiting |
Error initializing process commons | NtRtTask | Unable to initialize process management global |
NtRtTask V1.00 | NtRtTask | Message identifying the process Version number |
Error initializing process | NtRtTask | Unable to set up local process environ using proc init file parameters |
Process exiting | NtRtTask | Exit process |
Not enough command line parameters. Correct calling format is: TrendArchive <pifFile> <histFile> Where: <pifFile> is the name of trend pif file <histFile> is the name of the desired output | TrendArchive | |
Successfully created historical trend file XXXX | TrendArchive | Build of trend archive file was successful |
Unable to historical trend file XXXX | TrendArchive | Build of trend archive file was unsuccessful |
TelePro/SSE Mill Simulation Process vXXXX | MillSim | Identify the Mill Sim Process version |
Process exiting | MillSim | Process ending |
Error XXX activating group YYY | OnActivateGroup | |
Error XXX activating group YYYY | OnActivateGroup | |
Activating process XXXX from console | OnActivateProc | |
Clearing error state for process XXXX from console | OnClearErrorProc | |
Error XXXX clearing error state for process YYYY | OnClearErrorProc | |
Deactivating process XXXX from console | OnDeactivateProc | |
Error XXX deactivating process YYYY | OnDeactivateProc | |
Received valid request from XXXX (YYYY) | OnReceive | Passed data on to GsmExpSvr handler |
Sending variable definition message to XXXX (YYYY) | OnReceive | Sending variable definition message |
Received invalid request from XXXX (YYYY) | OnReceive | Received invalid request |
Resuming process XXXX from console | OnResumeProc | |
Suspending process XXXX from console | OnSuspendProc | |
Starting variable updates to XXXX (YYYY) | OnTimer | |
Processing group: XXXX | ProcCmdLine | Read group ini data successfully |
TpriPublisher command line operation complete | ProcCmdLine | Command line operation was completed |
Received XXXX variable definition message from YYYY | ProcVarDef | Successfully checked each variable’s type |
Receiving XXX variable update messages from YYY | ProcVarUpd | Counting the updates |
Read Simulation Parameters from XXXX | ReadSimParms | |
Restoring trending buffers from disk file XXXX | RestoreTRENDCOM | Trend common image file was opened successfully, and trend buffers are being restored |
Restore of trending buffers from disk complete | RestoreTRENDCOM | Trend common restore was successful |
Saving trending buffers to disk file XXXX | SaveTRENDCOM | Created a trend common image file name, and now saving the data to the file |
Save of trending buffers to disk complete. | SaveTRENDCOM | Trend common image file was saved successfully |
Connected to XXXX for YYYY variable | SetupComm | Connection made |
Cleaned bytes from socket | SetupComm | Cleaned out the incoming buffer |
Disconnected from XXXX for YYYY variables | SetupComm | Disconnected |
Connection failed to XXXX for YYYY variable | SetupComm | Connection failed |
Trigger XXXX data collection started | startTrigger | “Tell the user what’s up,” then fire the trigger action as desired |
TelePro Trend Archive V1.00 | TrendArchive | Writing log messages to console since not in NtRtMgr environment |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memroy Trend Acquisition Process vXXXX | TrendGSM | Message identifying the process Version number |
Error initializing process | TrendGsm | Unable to initialize process |
Process exiting | TrendGsm | Application has decided it no longer wants to run, so cleaning and exiting |
TSENTRY Trend Subsystem Manager vXXXX | TrendMgr | Message to identify the system |
Error initializing process | TrendMgr | Unable to initialize process |
Process exiting | TrendMgr | Application has decided it no longer wants to run, so cleaning and exiting |
TSENTRY Trend Server vXXXX | TrendSrv | Message to identify itself |
Process exiting | TrendSrv | Application has decided it no longer wants to run, so cleaning and exiting |
TSENTRY Trend Trigger System vXXXX | TrendTrig | Message to identify itself |
Process exiting | TrendTrig | Application has decided it no longer wants to run, so cleaning and exiting |