tpriProc – TSENTRY Process class
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The Tsentry process class encapsulates the functionality required of a generic Tsentry process. |
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The following public member functions are provided as part of the tpriProc class:
Attach the current process to a tpriProc class object.
Detach the current process from its tpriProc class object. Initialize the current process based on the command line and the default parameters read from the initialization file.
Request the process manager to activate the specified process.
Wake the specified process if it is currently sleeping.
Suspend a process so that it does not awake from the next call to PrWait().
Request that the process manager to deactivate the specified process.
Return the number of currently running processes.
Open a handle to allow for fast resumes of another process.
Close a resume handled opened with
Export the application name of the current process to the supplied buffer.
Export the application name of the current process to the supplied buffer.
Export the binary file name of the specified process to the supplied buffer.
Return the current value of the percent interval utilized for the specified process.
Return the current value of the maximum percent interval utilized for the specified process.
Return the debug level for the specified process.
Set the debug level for the specified process.
Return the process group identifier for the specified process.
Return the process ID for the specified process.
Return the auto-restart flag for the specified process.
Set the auto-restart flag for the specified process.
Return the periodic repetition rate for the specified process (ms).
Return the run mode (Win32, RTSS) for the specified process.
Return the current state for the specified process.
Return the current state of the process manager.
Return the start order for the specified process.
Return the amount of time the specified process has been in its current state (100 ns increments).
Return the amount of time the specified process has been in its current state (1 second increments).
Return a description of the specified state.
Return a description of the current state for the specified process.
Export a copy of the entire process definition of the specified process.
Set the state for the current process.
Set the display status string for the current process.
Export the current display status for the specified process.
Clear the error state associated with the specified process.
Return the current time (seconds since 1/1/1970 12:00 am UTC).
Return the current local time.
Return the current time (seconds and milliseconds since 1/1/1970 12:00 am UTC).
Set the watchdog flag associated with the current process. |
tpriGsm – Global shared memory (GSM) class
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The tpriGsm class facilitates the mapping and access of shared memory segments within a Tsentry process. For the most part, this class need not be directly used, as the data dictionary provides higher-level functions to automate the use of all global memory segments; however for specific applications, more specialized functionality may be required and thus a direct interface to the tpriGsm class is provided. |
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The following public member functions are provided as part of the tpriGsm class:
Create and/or map a shared memory segment with the given name and size.
Wrap a tpriGsm object around an existing memory segment.
Destroy a tpriGsm object.
Return the virtual address of the shared memory segment at the given byte offset.
Return the current status of the shared memory segment.
Return the most recent error associated with the shared memory segment.
Return the name of the shared memory segment.
Map the shared memory segment into the current process under the specified name.
Zero the entire shared memory segment.
Write a binary copy of the shared memory segment to the specified disk file.
Read a binary copy of the shared memory segment from the specified disk file. |
tpriGsmDDCom - GSM Data Dictionary Class
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The data dictionary allows global common variables to be referenced by their string name. At runtime, the Data Dictionary is itself maintained in a shared memory segment, and thus the tpriGsmDDCom class is derived from the tpriGsm class. |
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The following public member functions are provided as part of the tpriGsmDDCom class above and beyond the default tpriGsm member functions:
Start the data dictionary for the current process.
Shut down the data dictionary for the current process.
Parse the true variable name from a possibly augmented (with <, >, =, etc. characters) name.
Return a pointer to the specified variable in memory and optionally return the variable’s size, type, and offset.
Return the size of the specified variable.
Return a VARIANT object containing the current value of the specified variable, and optionally return parameters to use to update the variant.
Update the specified variant using the parameters returned from getVariant(..).
Write the value of the specified variant back to the memory associated with the original variant.
Return the data type of the specified variable.
Return a string description of the data type of the specified variable.
Return the GSM Mask bitmask for the specified variable.
Return a pointer to the initial value associated with the specified variable.
Return a pointer to the minimum value associated with the specified variable.
Return a pointer to the maximum value associated with the specified variable.
Return a pointer to the formatting string associated with the specified variable.
Return a pointer to the description associated with the specified variable.
Return a pointer to a string containing the initial value of the specified variable formatted according to it’s formatting string.
Return a pointer to a string containing the minimum value of the specified variable formatted according to it’s formatting string.
Return a pointer to a string containing the maximum value of the specified variable formatted according to it’s formatting string.
Set the initial value of the specified variable.
Set the minimum value of the specified variable.
Set the maximum value of the specified variable.
Set the formatting string of the specified variable.
Set the description of the specified variable.
Set the current value of the specified variable.
Return various structure information about the specified variable.
Traverse the data dictionary tree and export the name of each leaf to the specified buffer.
Search the data dictionary tree for the given string and return the name of the first variable containing the search string.
Return a pointer to the tpriGsm object associated with the specified GSM name.
Map or create the specifed GSM region.
Attach an existing tpriGsm object into the data dictionary.
Map all GSM regions into the current process.
Perform a binary restore of the specified GSM from an existing disk file.
Restore the given variable by name from the specified file.
Restore all variables in the specified file by name.
Restore a list of variables identified in one file from a second data file. The variable list should be stored in [listSect] of the file listFile with one variable name per line. The variable data will be restored from the file varsFile or, if NULL, in the persistent data file specified for each variable's global common in the data dictionary variable initialization file.
Perform a binary save of the specified GSM to a disk file.
Save the given variable by name from the specified file.
Save all variables in the specified file by name.
Save a list of variables identified in one file from a second data file. The variable list should be stored in [listSect] of the file listFile with one variable name per line. The variable data will be stored in the file varsFile or, if NULL, in the persistent data file specified for each variable's global common in the data dictionary variable initialization file. |
tpriLogMsg – Log Message Class
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The tpriLogMsg class provides a way for processes to post text messages to global queues for later processing or asynchronous display. The available queues are defined at system startup time through an ini file. In addition, there is always a default queue named “LogMsg” to which any process may post messages. Messages in this default queue are displayed on the NtRtMgr console. While only a finite number of messages are kept in memory (specifically, the last 512), the NtRtMgr automatically logs messages posted to these queues to files on the disk. DumpHex is a utility function that uses the LogMsg function to display the contents of a memory area in both hex and ascii formats. |
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An entry in the system initialization file (i.e. that file which is passed on the command line to the NtRtMgr) specifies the LogMsg specific initialization file. The following entry must be found in the [General] section of the system initialization file:
An example of a sysLogs.ini file follows:
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The following are examples of log message calls
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The following structure is used to define a single log message stored in any one of the message queues:
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The following code sequentially processes messages from a tpriLogMsg queue.
tpriIniFile - Ini File Support Class
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This class defines basic .ini file operations, such as opening the file, finding a section (denoted '[SectionName]", retrieving lines from the file, and closing them when finished. |
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The following public member functions are provided as part of the tpriIniFile class:
tpriTimer – Timer Support Functions
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These functions encompass basic timer functions. These functions may be called by any application task to set and test timers. The timer values are allocated and maintained in user defined variables and are tested by user calls. |
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The following public functions are provided as part of the tpriTimer support: