Internet Information Services must be installed on the Windows host, specifically including the Windows Authentication feature:
Start → Control Panel → Programs and Features → Turn Windows features on or off
Select the at least the following items:
Internet Information Services → Web Management Tools → IIS Management Console
Internet Information Services → World Wide Web Services → Security → Windows Authentication
Install ASP.NET Core 8.0 Hosting Bundle (v8.0.1) or later
In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager:
Create a new application pool via Application Pools → Add Application Pool…
Name = Tsentry
After creating the pool, right-click on the new pool and select Advanced Settings
Process Model → Load User Profile = True
Configure the default website (or Add Application under the default website):
Basic Settings:
Application pool = Tsentry
Physical path = %TSENTRY_SYSDIR%\tpriNtRt\wwwroot
Type = https
Port = 443
SSL certificate = (as required)
Enable Windows Authentication for IIS the new website as follows:
Click on the Authentication module for the target website
Right-click on Windows Authentication and choose Enable
If the Windows Authentication option is not visible then you may need to restart IIS Manager as an administrator
See also Adding Windows Authentication Providers <add> | Microsoft Learn