File Naming Conventions
Tsentry.vX.XX.XX.exe are executable installation files of complete software releases, where X.XX.XX is the version number.
TsentryHelp.pdf is current Tsentry documentation in Adobe PDF format.
TsentryVersion.pdf is a PDF file containing Tsentry updates, modifications and fix information, and version to version upgrade requirements and instructions for each version
Downloading Tsentry release file instructions
Click on the Tsentry file or document you desire.
Select "Save" when the dialog box is displayed.
Browse to your desired download location and click Save again.
Tsentry Release Installation instructions
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the executable installation file on your hard drive and double-click the file.
The file will automatically run and walk you through the installation process.
Follow the instructions provided.
Documentation and release notes are available in the %TSENTRY_SYSDIR%\tpriNtRt\Docs\ directory.
Complete Tsentry documentation is available in each release as a WebHelp site located at %TSENTRY_SYSDIR%\tpriNtRt\TsentryHelp\TsentryHelp.htm
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3811 Illinois Avenue, Suite 100, St. Charles, IL 60174