File Naming Conventions
- Tsentry.vX.XX.XX.exe are executable installation files of complete software releases, where X.XX.XX is the version number.
- TsentryHelp.pdf is current Tsentry documentation in Adobe PDF format.
- TsentryVersion.pdf is a PDF file containing Tsentry updates, modifications and fix information, and version to version upgrade requirements and instructions for each version
Downloading Tsentry release file instructions
- Click on the Tsentry file or document you desire.
- Select "Save" when the dialog box is displayed.
- Browse to your desired download location and click Save again.
Tsentry Release Installation instructions
- Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the executable installation file on your hard drive and double-click the file.
- The file will automatically run and walk you through the installation process.
- Follow the instructions provided.
- Documentation and release notes are available in the %TSENTRY_SYSDIR%\tpriNtRt\Docs\ directory.
- Complete Tsentry documentation is available in each release as a WebHelp site located at %TSENTRY_SYSDIR%\tpriNtRt\TsentryHelp\TsentryHelp.htm
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