- Created by Luke Cerwin , last modified on Jul 11, 2022
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This document describes the procedures and utilities for building real time Web based graphic screens under Visual Basic 6.0. These screens may be animated using real time data from a control system. Screens may be displayed on any workstation using a browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5.
This document describes the basic procedures for building and publishing a screen. An overview of the process is as follows:
Use Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to build the basic screen
Animate the screen using the provided real-time objects
Publish the screen to the proper control system, making it accessible via the web from any network connected Internet browser
Install and configure the proper utilities on the control system to provide access to process variables
Display the page on a workstation using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer
Naming Conventions
Object Name | How to Name | Prefix | Example |
Vector Project | The previous name of the screen under the Vector system. Not to be changed. (Not used in OPC system) | None | 3Main |
OPC Project directory | Created when new screen is generated through the tpriNtRt administrator program. Directory needs to be renamed without the mill site abbreviation. In this case, the ‘l’ prefix was moved from the directory name. | None | \3Main\ |
OPC Project | Automatically created with appropriate prefix. The file will have a .vbp extension* | l | l3Main |
OCX Control (that you are building) | Automatically created with appropriate prefix. The file will have a .ctl extension* ** | ucl | ucl3Main |
The names above should be used as both the Project and Control names as referred to in Visual Basic, as well as the name of the file that is stored on the hard drive (the one in parentheses next to the Project or Control name in VB).
* = The “l” prefix is an abbreviation of the site, in this case short for “Location”
** = The “uc” prefix is an abbreviation of “User Control”
Building a Basic Screen
The following procedure defines the steps involved to build a basic screen using Visual Basic 6.0. The tpriNtRt administrator program is used to begin a new Visual Basic screen. All the user has to do is add controls and design the layout of the page. Below is a screenshot of the Visual Basic design interface and descriptions of the layout:
Run tpriNtRt administrator program D:\locNtRt\tpriNtRt\Apps\tpriNtRtAdmin\tpriNtRtAdmin.exe
Enter screen name, e.g. ‘l3Main’ with appropriate mill site prefix, in this case ‘l’ for Location
Click ‘Generate New Screen’
A list of steps for creating the demo screen is displayed; those items that are checked have been automatically finished, those that are unchecked must be performed manually
A Label object will always be used for the non-changeable background text on a screen.
On the toolbox to the left, choose the label control.
Position the mouse where the object should be placed on the screen, hold down the left mouse button and drag to the desired size.
Naming the object is optional, but should start with lbl.
Set properties for label such as font, fore color, and back color.
For adding additional objects to the screen such as TelePro controls, refer to Section 6.5 [LINK] of this document
Select the Menu option File, Save Project
Select the Menu option File, Save uc[name].ctl
Remember to close all instances of Internet Explorer when making your page. If not, the page will not be updated correctly.
Select the menu option Run, Start With Full Compile (or Ctrl+F5). This ensures that all code is tested and all variables are defined.
After you are done testing the screen, you must hit the stop button ◼ in order to edit the code or view the page again.
Pages can be quickly rebuilt and/or published using a program called tpriPublisher.
D:\locNtRt\apps\tpriPublisher\tpriPublisher.exe, this program allows the user to select multiple screens and can rebuild, publish, or both with a single mouse click.
Save often:
Every time you make a change that you wouldn’t want to do again, SAVE your project. Ctrl+S, click disk button, or File, Save all work.Auto-Complete:
In the editor, on-the-fly syntax and programming assistance will give you a pull down list for completing what you started typing. You can just press tab to write out what is highlighted.Fine Movements:
Instead of moving objects on the screen with your mouse (which lacks precision), you can use the ctrl + arrow keys to move the object in fine increments.Lock Controls:
Once you have finished designing the page, you should lock the controls in place so that they are not accidentally moved (there is no way to undo a move). This feature can be toggled on and off from the Format menu. Even if Lock Controls is enabled, you can still move them using the ctrl + arrow keys.Aligning objects:
To make the objects on your screen align horizontally or vertically, select the objects (either by dragging a selection box with your mouse over them or by individually clicking on each object while holding down the ctrl key) and in the Properties window, set the Top or Left to a number. This will change the properties for every object you have selected.When editing the code, I move the arrow keys, but nothing happens:
Sometimes when you are working in the code view, the focus will still be on an object in the object view. Every time you press an arrow key or page up/down, the focus is actually changing on the object view. The fastest way to stop this is to close the object view.Tab Order:
It is a good idea to think about the tab order of all of the objects on the screen. If the user tabs to a non-data input object, it is possible that s/he may not see the focus outline and think the screen has frozen. Suggestion: allow tabbing only to data entry boxes and command buttons.Toggle between object and code view:
Ctrl + tab switches the window, but both must be open first in order to toggle between them.Debugging the code:
There are many helpful tools used for debugging the code. You may set a breakpoint with the F9 key (the breakpoint stops the code before that line is executed), step through the code with the F8 key, and run the code again with the F5 key. Once the code is at a break point, you can view variable values by hovering over them with the mouse or entering the Immediate Window and typing “?” followed by your variable and press enter (example: ?myString). You may also add a watch on any variable you choose. This is a quick way to view many values at any breakpoint.‘Conflicting names were found…’ error received when opening a VB project:
This error is cause when the user-control (*.ctl file) was originally saved in lower case and then later saved using upper case letters. In this case, VB is case-sensitive, but it does not update the code inside the .ctl file. You have to manually change the code in the .ctl file to get rid of the error. Just open the .ctl file in your favorite text editor and do a search for “Attribute VB_Name =”. This will bring you to the line in the code that needs to be changed. Just edit the file name that is in quotes to the correct case and you are done.
Adding TelePro’s Standard Controls to a Visual Basic Web Screen
A tpriTextBox will always be used for data display and to input text.
Select the “uctpriTextBox” control and position it on your screen.
Below is a list of all the properties that are specifically used for the TpriTextBox control:
Property Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
tAutoValidateMinMax | Boolean | False | Indicates whether or not the text box should try to validate user-entered data against the min/max values specified in the data dictionary |
tBackReadOnlyColor | OLE_COLOR | White | Background color of read-only text box |
tBackWriteDisplayColor | OLE_COLOR | &H0080FFFF& Light-yellow | Background color of editable text box while in display mode |
tBackWriteEditColor | OLE_COLOR | &H0080C0FF& Light-orange | Background color of editable text box while in edit mode |
tChanged | Boolean | False | Determines if user has edited the text box |
tDataSource | Variant | Empty string ("") | This is the name of the host variable |
tDisconnectedStr | String | “###” | Text in textbox when disconnected from the OPC server. May not be used if tDataSource = "" |
tEnabled | Boolean | True | Enables the textbox on the screen |
tFocusColor | OLE_COLOR | &H0000FF00& Green | Sets the color to outline the textbox when it is in focus |
tFormat | Variant | Empty string ("") | Formats how the text is displayed |
Tlocked | Boolean | False | Toggles between display and edit mode |
tResetStr | String | “@@@” | String to be displayed when waiting for an update from OPC server |
tResetToStr | Boolean | True | Determines whether to display the tResetStr string when waiting for an update |
tText | String | Empty string ("") | Text displayed in textbox |
A tpriActiveShape will always be used to data display shapes.
Select the “ucTpriActiveShape” control and position it on your screen.
In the properties window for this object, edit the properties necessary for this shape.
Below is a list of all the properties that are specifically used for the tpriActiveShape control:
Property Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
BackColor | OLE_COLOR | H000000FF (red) | Provides the "default" color for the shape (in the case that none of the bound conditions is true). |
BorderColor | OLE_COLOR | Black | BorderColor for the shape. Remains the same at run time for any value. |
BorderStyle | BorderStyleConstants 0 -Transparent 1 - Solid 2 - Dash 3 - Dot 4 - Dash-Dot 5 - Dash-Dot-Dot 6 - Inside solid | 1 | BorderStyle for the shape. Remains the same at run time for any value. May be changed at design time. The effect of setting the BorderStyle property depends on the setting of the BorderWidth property. If BorderWidth isn't 1 and BorderStyle isn't 0 or 6, BorderStyle is set to 1.
BorderWidth | Integer | 1 | BorderWidth for the shape. Remains the same at run time for any value. |
FillColor | OLE_COLOR | Black | FillColor for the shape. Remains the same at run time for any value. Usually not used ("normal" FillStyle is transparent) |
FillStyle | FillStyleConstants 0 - Solid 1 - Transparent 2 - Horizontal Line 3 - Vertical Line 4 - Upward Diagonal 5 - Downward Diagonal 6 - Cross 7 - Diagonal Cross | 1 | FillStyle for the shape. Remains the same at run time for any value. |
Shape | ShapeConstants 0 - Rectangle 1 - Square 2 - Oval 3 - Circle 4 - Rounded Rectangle 5 - Rounded Square | 0 | Provides the different appearance of a shape. Remains the same at run time for any value.
Font | Font | MS Sans Serif/ Bold/ Size=12 | Provides the font for any text shown inside the ActiveShape control. The text will be centered. If the font is changed, the height of the label area increases. Remains the same at run time for any value. |
tNumTextLines | Variant ( >=1 and < 4) | 1 | Determines (with the font.size) the height of the ActiveShape label. Cannot be changed if the shape property is oval or circle. |
tDataSource | Variant | Empty string ("") | This is the name of the host variable |
tFormat | String | Empty string ("") | Reserved for "outside" use (probably OpcMgr). |
tURL | String | Empty string ("") | Assigns a target web page to go to when object is clicked |
tBlinkingPeriod | Variant | 200 | Provides the frequency of blinking (the number of milliseconds between the changes). Remains the same at run time for any value. |
tBlinkShapeBackColor | OLE_COLOR | Black | The color of the "blind interval" of blinking. Affects the ActiveShape appearance only if the property txxTextBlinking = False and txxShapeBlinking = True (txx may be from t00 to t15). Remains the same at run time for any value. |
tDisplayValue | Boolean | False | If the property is set to True, then the text label of the ActiveShape will show the Value instead of showing txxText |
tDisconnectColor | OLE_COLOR | &H808080 (gray) | Color of Shape when disconnected from the OPC server. May not be used if tDataSource = "" |
tValue | Variant |
| This property is responsible for the current presentation of the Active Shape |
t00Text | String | Text | Text to show inside the ActiveShape if none of the conditions are true (the value is greater then any of the txxBoundValue) |
t00TextColor | OLE_COLOR | Black | ForeColor for the text, if none of the conditions are true |
t00TextBlinking | Boolean | False | If this property is True and t00ShapeBlinking is False, then the Text inside the control will blink with the period equal to tBlinkingPeriod (if none of the conditions are true). |
t00ShapeBlinking | Boolean | False | If this property is True and t00TextBlinking is False, then the Shape will blink with the period equal to tBlinkingPeriod (if none of the conditions are true). |
t01BoundValue | Variant |
| Right bound value for the interval # 1. If the Value < t01BoundValue ("<=" in the case of t01IncludeEquals = true), then all the t01 settings would be applied to the ActiveShape. |
t01IncludeEquals | Boolean | False | If this property is True, then "<=" will be used in the comparison for the interval # 1 (versus "<" for the False) |
t01Text | String | Empty string ("") | Text to show inside the ActiveShape if the Value is inside the interval # 1. If the tDisplayValue=True, then the actual value would be shown instead of t01Text |
t01TextColor | OLE_COLOR | Black | ForeColor for the text if the Value is inside the interval # 1. |
t01TextBlinking | Boolean | False | If true, then show the text blinking for the interval # 1. |
t01ShapeColor | OLE_COLOR | Black | Color of the shape if the Value is inside the interval # 1. |
t01ShapeBlinking | Boolean | False | If true, then show the shape blinking for the interval # 1. |
t15BoundValue | Variant |
| Right bound value for the interval # 15. If the Value < t15BoundValue ("<=" in the case t15IncludeEquals = true), then all the t15 settings would be applied to the ActiveShape. |
t15IncludeEquals | Boolean | False | If this property is True, then "<=" will be used in the comparison for the interval # 15 (versus "<" for the False) |
t15Text | String | Empty string ("") | Text to show inside the ActiveShape if the Value is inside the interval # 15. If the tDisplayValue=True, then the actual value would be shown instead of t15Text |
t15TextColor | OLE_COLOR | Black | ForeColor for the text if the Value is inside the interval # 15. |
t15TextBlinking | Boolean | False | If true, then show the text blinking for the interval # 15. |
t51ShapeColor | OLE_COLOR | Black | Color of the shape if the Value is inside the interval # 15. |
t15ShapeBlinking | Boolean | False | If true, then show the shape blinking for the interval # 15. |
Tips on using a tpriActiveShape
The following condition should be true:
t01BoundValue <= t02BoundValue <= ... <= t15BoundValue.
Thus all numbers would be divided into 1-16 intervals.
For any new value, the code running behind the control will sequentially verify the following conditions:
Value < t01BoundValue ( Value <= t01BoundValue, if t01IncludeEquals = True ) Value < t02BoundValue ( Value <= t02BoundValue, if t02IncludeEquals = True ) ... Value < t15BoundValue ( Value <= t15BoundValue, if t15IncludeEquals = True )
If any of the above becomes true, then the verification would be stopped, and ActiveShape control will have Color, Text, and blinking flags that are associated with this txxBoundValue.
If none of them is true, then:
ActiveShape will have color specified in the BackColor property
Text from the t00Text property (or actual value shown, if the tDisplayValue = True)
Blinking flags from t00TextBlinking and t00ShapeBlinking.
If any txxBoundValue is not set (empty), then the rest of the sequence would be ignored by the control.
Example: if t05BoundValue is empty and the value is greater then t04BoundValue, the "default" settings would be used even if the following were true:
Value < t07BoundValue
To add a tpriCmdButton object to an ActiveX screen, follow these steps.
Make sure the name is “ucTpriCmdButton” and select it.
While holding down the left mouse button, drag a box on the screen.
In the Properties window, type a name for your command button. The tpri default for command button begins with ‘tcb’; for example, a name could be “tcbOprMenu”.
To assign a target to the command button, scroll down in the Properties window to ‘tURL’. If the page you are linking to is in the same directory as your source page, then you don’t need ‘http://’. All you need is the name of the file and make sure it ends with ‘.asp’; for example the tURL could be “3OprMenu.asp”.
It is possible to link back to a screen by its relative calling order. For example “@BACK1” will call the previous screen. “@BACK3” will call 3 screens back. The tpriCmdButton also can link back to the previous menu screen whether it be last accessed 1 screen or 10 screens ago using “@MENU”.
Command buttons do not work when running the page from Visual Basic, so you will need to open Internet Explorer and type in the address where your .asp page is stored. For example: http://web.server/sys/MyScreen.asp
To add a tpriToggleButton object to an ActiveX screen, follow these steps:
Make sure the name is “ucTpriToggleButton” and select it.
While holding down the left mouse button, drag a box on the screen.
In the Properties window, type a name for your link button. The tpri default for a toggle button begins with ‘ttg’; for example, a name could be “ttgLawrhd”.
Below is a list of all the properties that are specifically used for the tpriToggleButton:
Property Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| OLE_COLOR | &H00404040& (Dark grey) | Color of button when disconnected from the OPC server. |
tColorNonZero | OLE_COLOR | &H0000FF00& (vbGreen) | Color of button when value does not equal 0, which usually means true |
tColorTransmitting | OLE_COLOR | &H00E0E0E0& (Light grey) | Color of button when clicked and waiting to get updated form host |
tColorZero | OLE_COLOR | &H000000FF& (vbRed) | Color of button when value equals 0, which usually means false |
tDataSource | Variant | Empty string ("") | This is the name of the host variable to change. |
tIncrement | Integer | 0 | 0 = toggle Boolean value Positive # = amount to increment by when clicked Negative # = amount to decrement by when clicked |
tValue | Integer | 0 | Sets the value of the toggle button |
To add a tpriBarGraph object to an ActiveX screen, follow these steps:
Under Project, Components (or ctrl+T) and select “tpriBarGraph”.
Make sure the name is “ucTpriBarGraph” and select it.
While holding down the left mouse button, drag a box on the screen.
In the Properties window, type in a name for your link button. The tpri default begins with ‘tbg’; for example, a name could be “tbgSprays”.
Below is a list of all the properties that are used to design the graph:
Property Name | Type | Default value | Description |
Font | Font | MS Sans Serif, Regular, 12 | Font for Bar Numbers. Recommended font is “small fonts” about size 7 |
tBackColor | OLE_COLOR | &H00000000& (Black) | The color of the background of the graph control. |
| Integer | 2 | Option for bar number shown directly below bars. 0 - don't show numbers 1 - show numbers from 0 to (N- number of bars) For example: 0 to 30 for 31 bars 2 - show numbers from 1 to (number of) bars. For example: 1 to 31 for 31 bars |
tBorderColor | OLE_COLOR | &H00FFFFFF& (White) | The color for the enclosing border box |
tBorderVisible | Boolean | True | Option for displaying the enclosing border box |
tBottomLineVisible | Boolean | False | Option for displaying the line above the Box Numbers (like X-axis) |
tCenterLineVisible | Boolean | False | Option for displaying the Center line |
tEngUnitBottom | Integer | -9999 | Value at the bottom of the bar graph area in engineering units |
tEngUnitCenterLine | Integer | -9999 | Reference value: where the bars in the bar graph will ‘grow’ from. If the … |
tEngUnitTop | Integer | -9999 | Value at the top of the bar graph area in engineering units |
tForeColor | OLE_COLOR | &H00FFFFFF& (White) | The color for Bar Numbers, BottomLine and CenterLine |
tLeftBarDataSource | Variant | Empty string ("") | This is the name of the host variable to be graphed. |
tLeftBarPercent | Integer | 50 | Percentage of the allotted space per line to take up |
tLeftFillColor | OLE_COLOR | &H000000FF& (Red) | Color of the major graph (set of bars) |
tNumBars | Integer | 2 | Number of bars that are to be graphed |
tRightBarDataSource | Variant | Empty string ("") | This is the name of the host variable to be graphed. |
tRightBarOffset | Integer | 50 | Amount that the left hand edge of the minor bars is to be shifted to the right |
tRightBarPercent | Integer | 50 | Percentage of the allotted space per line to take up |
tRightFillColor | OLE_COLOR | &H0000FFFF& (Yellow) | Color of the minor graph |
Tips on using the tpriBarGraph
The (left and right) bar colors are chosen on the object properties.
When the bar graph control is first published, no bar data will be displayed
Each of the bars grow from the engineering unit centerline
The bars will not appear until after the first time the data has been received and passed (automatically or under program control with fSetLeftVals and fSetRightVals) to the tpriBarGraph control.
If a bar value is the equal to the centerline value, no bar will be drawn
If you associate (or pass directly) a variant with less elements than bars, the values will be assigned to the first bars from the left side of the bargraph
If you associate (or pass directly) a variant with more elements than bars, the first values of the variant will be assigned to the bars
The rectangular area allocated to the bar graph object is divided horizontally into ‘tNumBars’ equal BarSlot areas, where ‘tNumBars’ is the number of bars selected in the property box. Valid number of bars ranges from 1 to 60.
There are 2 interleaved groups of bars available on the control: Left and Right
The number of Left and Right bars is always the same.
The Left edge of each of the LeftBars always starts at the left edge of the BarSlot. The horizontal width of the LeftBars is LeftBarPercent of the BarSlot.
The left edge of each of the RightBars starts RightBarOffset percent into the BarSlot. The width of each of the RightBars is RightBarPercent of the BarSlot width.
If the values of tRightBarOffset and tRightBarPercent add up to be 100, the right edge of the right bar will extend to the left hand edge of the next bar interval. The two properties and the tLeftBarPercent can be played around with to maximize the readability of the graph.
Bar graph objects work when the page is run through VB or through IE.
Normally, the tpriBarGraph control will be automatically animated with the values of the data variable indicated in the tDataSource property. If this property is NULL, the animation could be accomplished by implementing code similar to the following example:
The demoBarGraph screen has the following Bar Graphs defined:
SBar1: 31 bars, Left and Right bars Engineering units are -5000 to + 5000, bars grow from 0 (center) SBar2: 21 bars, left bars only Engineering units are 0 to 100, bars grow from 0 (bottom) An example code snippet on how to pass values to the control follows: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim Test1(31) As Variant Dim Test2(31) As Variant Dim Test3(31) As Variant Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 30 Test1(i) = -5000# + (i * 330#) Test2(i) = 5000# - (i * 330#) Test3(i) = i * 3# Next i SBar1.fSetLeftVals Test1 SBar1.fSetRightVals Test2 SBar2.fSetLeftVals Test3 End Sub
A tpriCoverageBar control is a horizontal bar illustrating the location of a closed section within a wider region. Typically a tpriCoverageBar is tacked on below a bar graph to depict which bars are to be considered ‘valid’.
Make sure the name is “uctpriCoverageBar” and select it.
While holding down the left mouse button, drag a box on the screen, usually placed under a bar graph.
In the Properties window, type in a name for the coverage bar. The TPRI default begins with ‘tcg’; for example, a name could be “tcgSprays”.
Below is a list of all the properties that are used to design the graph:
Property Name | Type | Default value | Description |
| OLE_COLOR | &H00FF0000& (blue) | Fore color of graph |
tColorNoData | OLE_COLOR | &H00808080& (grey) | Back color of graph |
tLeftData | Variant | -9999 | This is the name of the host variable to be graphed on the left side. |
tLeftEdge | Variant | -9999 | Left edge bound value |
tRightData | Variant | -9999 | This is the name of the host variable to be graphed on the right side. |
tRightEdge | Variant | -9999 | Right edge bound value. Optionally set to SYSDATA.iFlatBarZones which stores the max number of flatness bar zones |
A trend graph requires three objects:
tpriTrendCtrl – Sets up the trend variables to be graphed
tpriTrendCom – Configures communications with the OPC trend server
ProEssentials Graph – Graph component where the trend variable is graphed
Follow these steps to setup a trend graph on an ActiveX screen:
Under Project, Components (or ctrl+T)
Scroll to locate and select Gigasoft ProEssentials Graph v3
This item should now be in your toolbox.
Click the Pegoa icon and drag a box on the screen.
Make sure the name is ”ucTpriTrendCtrl” and select it.
While holding down the left mouse button, drag a box near the Pegoa graph you want to associate the TrendCtrl to.
You may copy the Pegoa graph object once it is on the screen to setup as many graph objects as needed. When copying, click ‘Yes’ to create a control array.
The tpriTrendCom control is automatically placed in the corner of your screen.
The following table shows the proper default settings for the tpriTrendCom object.
Property Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
tNewDataFromServerEveryMSec | Integer | 1000 | 1000 = 1 second update from server |
tNullValueIndicator | Integer | 9999999 | The value that will be substituted for null values in the data stream. |
tRestartFlag | Boolean | False | This property indicates the status of a communication restart cycle. |
| Boolean | True | This property controls scanning of the Trend server. |
tServerDataFreqPntPerSec | Integer | 50 | This should be set to match the Trend server that you are connecting to. |
tTimeOutInterval | Integer | 10000 | 10000 = 10 Seconds |
The following list of Property setting is for the tpriTrendCtrl control.
Property Name | Type | Default value | Description |
BackColor | OLE_COLOR | &H8000000F& (Gray) | This property identifies the color used as the background color for the object’s graphing area. |
endTime | Integer | 2140000000 |
ForeColor | OLE_COLOR | &H00FFFFFF& (White) | This property identifies the color used as the foreground color for the object’s graphing area. The grid lines and tick marks will be drawn in this color. |
nDispVars | Integer | 0 | Number of variables to be trended. |
PegTrend | Variant | Empty string ("") | Name of the associated ProEssentials graph |
playbackMode | Integer | 0 |
playSpeed | Integer | 0 |
startTime | Integer | 0 |
stepTime | Integer | 0 |
TrendInfo | Option window |
| Click the button to bring up the Trend Setup window. From there, you can set the data-sources for the variables to be graphed and the colors and labels. |
ttpPlayback | Integer | Empty string ("") |
ttbAxisMax | Variant | Empty string ("") | If the value is fixed it should be set here. To allow the user to change this property during run-time, include a text input box in the design of the screen. Type the name of that textbox in this field. For example ‘ttbGraphMax’ |
ttbAxisMin | Variant | Empty string ("") | (see above) |
Make sure you set a line color that is different than the background color.
At this point you should be able to run the screen and the graph will update.
The items list above should be all that is needed for a general-purpose display. Full details on all of the properties are available in the Gigasoft documentation.
Tips on using the Trend Graph
You only need one tpriTrendCom object on the page; it can handle multiple trend graphs.
For each ProEssentials Pegoa graph on the screen there needs to be an associated tpriTrendCtrl control.
If you are using the Pegoa graph for display only, you should set the TabStop property to False. This will take the object out of the tab sequence.
The tpriTrendCom object will generate X Axis timestamp labels and send them to the Pegoa graph. The user has the option to display or not display Xaxis timestamp labels. If Xaxis timestamp labels are to be used the ShowXAxis property controls this. Set ShowXAxis to PESA_ALL (0) = Grid, Grid Numbers and Axis Labels if you want to display the timestamp information.
If the graph has a user-definable Y-axis min and max, a trpiTextBox (use this one if the scaling values are to be stored in control program variables) or standard VB text box may be added to your screen to collect this information. The tYAxisMax and tYAxisMin properties allow this option. The tpriTrendGraph will check the values in your text box prior to each graph refresh cycle and if changed update the Y Axis scaling
A tpriLogMsg control is used to display messages posted to a specified LogMsg queue.
Make sure the name is “ucTpriLogMsg” and select it.
While holding down the left mouse button, drag a box on the screen.
In the Properties window, type in a name for the LogMsg box. The TPRI default begins with ‘tlm’; for example, a name could be “tlmOprMsg”.
Below is a list of all the properties that are used to customize the LogMsg box:
Property Name | Type | Default value | Description |
LogMsgName | String | “LogMsg” | Name of desired queue from which to retrieve messages. |
histStart | Long | 32 | This number indicates how many historical messages to retrieve upon startup before waiting for new messages to be queued. |
histLength | Long | 512 | This is the maximum number of messages to store in the list box at any given time. Additional messages will cause the oldest entries to drop out of the top of the message box. |
Error Handling
The following is an overview of the VB error handling logic for ActiveX screen code. Including the following in your screen code will provide an orderly handling of VB errors if they should occur.
In the case of an unplanned VB error the program will present a Windows message box reporting the error condition. Then the program will shut down and close the browser.
Several standard lines of code are required for each screen. The IobjSafe.bas module is automatically included in your project. The ErrRpt Subroutine called by the error handler is included in this code. The following is automatically included at the start of your code.
Option Explicit Event GoToURL(Url As String) Event ErrorTerminate() Implements IObjectSafety The following sample shows the base framework for a Sub or Function Private Sub DemoSub() As Long) Dim liTmp AS Integer On Error GoTo ErrorHandler <- Set the location to branch to in case of error mbError = False <- Reset the error flag variable ‘ Start of your Code ‘ blah blah blah ‘ End of your code
On Error GoTo 0
Turn off the error handler for this sub. This is important. If you omit this line it is possible that an error generated in some other section of the code will branch here and report the wrong failing program location.
Exit Sub
Exit (Note: If you have written a Function then change to Exit Function)
The following is the general error handler. Based on the error number, the program will proceed. If your code may generate an error that is expected under normal operating conditions, then handle it here. If the error is not included in the list of Select statement Case numbers, then the code will call a general purpose reporting procedure.
Select Case Err.Number
Case 9
For example if error number 9 (Subscript out of range) is generated by a bad user data entry, then you may catch it here and respond.
MsgBox "The value you entered is not valid! Please check your input"
mbError = False
Case Else
ErrMsg ("DemoSub")
Update this text to indicate the Sub or Function name. The string will be included in the error message reporting.
You may also add any additional debug information.
End Select
If mbError Then
If mbError is true then the ActiveX code will call back to the browser via the ErrorTerminate event.
RaiseEvent ErrorTerminate Else Resume Next
If you handled the error and would like to have the program continue, then set mbError to False.
End If
End Sub
Following are the run-time errors defined by Visual Basic:
Return without GoSub
Invalid procedure call or argument
Out of memory
Subscript out of range
This array is fixed or temporarily locked
Division by zero
Type mismatch
Out of string space
Expression too complex
Can't perform requested operation
User interrupt occurred
Resume without error
Out of stack space
Sub or Function not defined |
Too many DLL application clients
Error in loading DLL
Bad DLL calling convention
Internal error
Bad file name or number
File not found
Bad file mode
File already open
Device I/O error
File already exists
Bad record length
Disk full
Input past end of file
Bad record number
Too many files
Device unavailable
Permission denied
Disk not ready
Can't rename with different drive
Path/File access error
Path not found
Object variable or With block variable not set
For loop not initialized
Invalid pattern string
Invalid use of Null
Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports
Can not call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value
Invalid file format
Can't create necessary temporary file
Invalid format in resource file
Invalid property value
Invalid property array index
Set not supported at runtime
Set not supported (read-only property)
Need property array index
Set not permitted
Get not supported at runtime
Get not supported (write-only property)
Property not found
Property or method not found
Object required
ActiveX component can't create object
Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
File name or class name not found during Automation operation
Object doesn't support this property or method
Automation error
Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference.
Automation object does not have a default value
Object doesn't support this action
Object doesn't support named arguments
Object doesn't support current locale setting
Named argument not found
Argument not optional
Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
Invalid ordinal
Specified DLL function not found
Code resource not found
Code resource lock error
This key is already associated with an element of this collection
Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
Object or class does not support the set of events
Invalid clipboard format
Method or data member not found
The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
Class not registered on local machine
Invalid picture
Printer error
Can't save file to TEMP
Search text not found
Replacements too long
Adding Property Pages to the ActiveX Control
The following sequence is used to add property pages to an ActiveX Control. This sequence was used to add property pages to the TelePro supplied controls. It is included here for documentation purposes only.
After loading your ActiveX Control in Microsoft Basic you click on Project —> Add Property Page.
Click on the icon of VB Property Page Wizard and on Open button. New window appears: “Property Page Wizard – select The Property Pages”. Two Property Pages are created automatically: StandardFont and StandardColor.
If you want to add a new one then you should click on the button “Add” and the new page name. Repeat this step as many times as you need. You also can change the order of pages using arrows at the left part of the window.
After all you click on the button “Next>”. In this window you can choose which properties will be in your pages (color and font properties are added to “StandardColor” and “StandardFont” automatically).
When all properties have been assigned to the pages click on “Next>” and finally on “Finish”.
Scope | Prefix | Example |
Global | g | gsUserName |
Module | m | msUserName |
Local to procedure | l | lsUserName |
Argument by value (within a function) | av | avsUserID |
Argument by reference (within a function) | ar | arsUserID |
Use the following prefixes to indicate a variable's data type.
Data type | Prefix | Example |
Boolean | bln | blnFound |
Byte | byt | bytRasterData |
Collection object | col | colWidgets |
Currency | cur | curRevenue |
Date Time | dt | dtStart |
Date | d | dStart |
Time | t | tStart |
Double | dbl | dblTolerance |
Error | err | errOrderNum |
Integer | i | iQuantity |
Long | Lng | lngDistance |
Object | Obj | objCurrent |
Single | sng | sngAverage |
String | s | sFName |
User-defined type | udt | udtEmployee |
Variant | v | vCheckSum |
Control type | Prefix | Example |
3D Panel | pnl | pnlGroup |
Animated button | ani | aniMailBox |
Check box | chk | chkReadOnly |
Combo box, drop down list box | cbo | cboEnglish |
Command button | cmd | cmdExit |
Common dialog | dlg | dlgFileOpen |
Communications | com | comFax |
Control (used within procedures when the specific type is unknown) | ctr | ctrCurrent |
Data control | dat | datBiblio |
Data-bound combo box | dbcbo | dbcboLanguage |
Data-bound grid | dbgrd | dbgrdQueryResult |
Data-bound list box | dblst | dblstJobType |
Directory list box | dir | dirSource |
Drive list box | drv | drvTarget |
File list box | fil | filSource |
Form | frm | frmEntry |
Frame | fra | fraLanguage |
Gauge | gau | gauStatus |
Graph | gra | graRevenue |
Grid | grd | grdPrices |
Horizontal scroll bar | hsb | hsbVolume |
Image | img | imgIcon |
Key status | key | keyCaps |
Label | lbl | lblHelpMessage |
Line | lin | linVertical |
List box | lst | lstPolicyCodes |
MAPI message | mpm | mpmSentMessage |
MAPI session | mps | mpsSession |
MCI | mci | mciVideo |
MDI child form | mdi | mdiNote |
Menu | mnu | mnuFileOpen |
MS Flex grid | msg | msgClients |
MS Tab | mst | mstFirst |
OLE | ole | oleWorksheet |
Outline | out | outOrgChart |
Pen BEdit | bed | bedFirstName |
Pen HEdit | hed | hedSignature |
Pen ink | ink | inkMap |
Picture | pic | picVGA |
Picture clip | clp | clpToolbar |
Report | rpt | rptQtr1Earnings |
Shape | shp | shpCircle |
Spin | spn | spnPages |
Text box | txt | txtLastName |
Timer | tmr | tmrAlarm |
UpDown | upd | updDirection |
Vertical scroll bar | vsb | vsbRate |
Slider | sld | sldScale |
ImageList | ils | ilsAllIcons |
TreeView | tre | treOrganization |
Toolbar | tlb | tlbActions |
TabStrip | tab | tabOptions |
tpriActiveShape | tas | tasMillStatus |
tpriBarGraph | tbg | tbgStress |
tpriCoverageBar | tcg | tcgRotor |
tpriCmdButton | tcb | tcbMainMenu |
tpriTextBox | ttb | ttbMill |
tpriToggleButton | ttg | ttgRunHold |
StatusBar | sta | staDateTime |
ListView | lvw | lvwHeadings |
ProgressBar | prg | prgLoadFile |
RichTextBox | rtf | rtfReport |
Database object | Prefix | Example |
Container | con | conReports |
Database | db | dbAccounts |
DBEngine | dbe | dbeJet |
Document | doc | docSalesReport |
Field | fld | fldAddress |
Group | grp | grpFinance |
Index | idx | idxAge |
Parameter | prm | prmJobCode |
QueryDef | qry | qrySalesByRegion |
Recordset | rec | recForecast |
Relation | rel | relEmployeeDept |
TableDef | tbd | tbdCustomers |
User | usr | usrNew |
Workspace | wsp | wspMine |
Some Examples:
Dim dbBiblio As Database Dim recPubsInNY As Recordset, strSQLStmt As String Const DB_READONLY = 4 ' Set constant. 'Open database. Set dbBiblio = OpenDatabase("BIBLIO.MDB") ' Set text for the SQL statement. strSQLStmt = "SELECT * FROM Publishers WHERE _ State = 'NY'" ' Create the new Recordset object. Set recPubsInNY = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLStmt, _ dbReadOnly)
Menu caption sequence | Menu handler name |
File Open | mnuFileOpen |
File Send Email | mnuFileSendEmail |
File Send Fax | mnuFileSendFax |
Format Character | mnuFormatCharacter |
Help Contents | mnuHelpContents |
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