- Created by Luke Cerwin , last modified on Jul 08, 2022
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Tsentry outputs several types of messages to provide systems status. Most of these messages are output to the system log file, displayed both on the screen and stored in the text logfile.
These message types include:
Informational Messages
Error Messages
Process Abort Traceback Messages
They are described in the following sections.
Informational and Error Messages
Message | Process / Function | Description |
Request for undefined variable xxxxxx (Path = ) | GsmOpcSvr / UnKnownItemProc | Variable name as specified does not exist in the data dictionary |
Process xxxxxx pulse timer expired | NtRtMtr/checkPulse | The process was set up to use a pulse time to insure that it does not get in an endless loop. The timer expired. PrWait was not called to reset the timer. |
Process xxxxxx (yyyy) detected not alive | NtRtMgr/checkAlive | The process xxxxxx, pid yyyy was running and has exited or aborted. NtRtMgr will restart if AutoRestart option is set in the sysProcs.ini file. |
Existing process X:\x\x\x\xxxxxx.exe detected in state Active | Usertask/PrIni | The task that is starting up is already running. |
-2147418105 Automation error - The callee (server [not server application]) is not available and disappeared; all connections are invalid. The call may have executed | Screens | One of the DLLs required for proper screen operation is not installed properly (e.g., ApgGetArray.dll, tpri.AdSecurity.dll, tpri.CryptCom.dll) |
Error: connection to host not initialized downloading list of available pot names | Screens | Unable to acces files on the Tsentry system from screens |
The “Xxxxxx”’ screen or one of its controls is not properly installed. Details: Error 438: Object doesn’t support this property or method | Screen Interface | Internet Explorer browser is not configured to allow downloads from the web site from which the screen is being loaded. Note that the browser options are set up on a ‘per user’ basis. |
Error retrieving security access for Domain\UserID. File I/O error | TExplorer | The Application Security Configuration File (ASCF) for this application was not found. |
SetupRemoveDataAccess – An Existing connection was forcibly closed by the Remote Host | TExplorer | NtRtInfo.exe is run as a service on the host system. NtRtInfo.exe.config not set up correctly. Service is hard coded to look for share ‘HmiAppConfig’ |
Failed to lookup account name XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Unable to lookup account name |
Failed initial open of WinSta0: GetLastError = | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed initial open of WinSta0 |
Failed to grant access to window station | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to grant access to window station |
Failed re-open of WinSta0: GetLastError = XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed re-open of WinSta0 |
Failed to set process window station: GetLastError = XXXX | GrantAccessToConsole | Failed to set process window station |
Failed to open destop; GetLastError = XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to open destop |
Failed to grant access to desktop | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to grant access to desktop |
Failed to re-open destop; GetLastError = XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to re-open destop |
Failed to set thread desktop: GetLastError = XXXX | GrantThreadAccessToConsole | Failed to set thread desktop |
RtEnablePortIo error = XXXX | ppLed | Error in enabling Parrallel Ports |
Error XXXX deleting file YYYY | tpriCleanDir | Error in deleting file |
SQLExecute failed: retcode= XXXX | tpriDbio::ExecSql | Error in executing SQL statement |
Error WWWW GSM XXXX (YYYY bytes): ZZZZ | mapGsm |
NULL filename specified; unable to save GSM XXX | tpriGsm::saveGsm | NULL filename specified, unable to save GSM |
GSM XXX size= YYY; unable to save GSM | tpriGsm::saveGsm | Incorrect size to save GSM |
fopen of XXX failed, rc = YYY | tpriGsm::saveGsm | Fopen failed |
fwrite of WWW failed, Size=XXX, rc=YYY, errno=ZZZ | tpriGsm::saveGsm | Fwrite of GSM failed |
NULL filename specified; unable to restore GSM XXX | tpriGsm::restoreGsm | NULL filename specified for GSM restore |
GSM XXX size=YYY; unable to restore GSM | tpriGsm::restoreGsm | Incorrect size for GSM restore |
fopen of XXX failed, rc = YYY | tpriGsm::restoreGsm | Fopen of GSM failed |
fread of WWW failed, nlen=XXX, rc=YYY, errno= ZZZ | tpriGsm::restoreGsm | Fread of GSM failed |
Array index for variable XXX is not a valid hex integer: YYY | initFromHdr | Not a hexadecimal number |
Array index for variable %s is not a valid decimal integer: XXX | initFromHdr | Not a decimal integer |
DDCOM GSM size does not match true GSM size: GSM Name: WWW Struct Name: XXX DDCOM calculated size: YYY Allocated GSM size: ZZZ | setTpriGsmPtr | The data dictionary size is not the same as the true size of the GSM |
WARNING: variable WWW format string is 'XXX’ - You have specified a hex format but did not prepend the format string with '0x' – This will cause the value of the variable to be interpreted improperly if you restored by name from disk It is strongly suggested that you use the formatting ‘0x%%x’ instead | readIni | Asked to format in hex, but didn’t prepend a “0x” |
Warning: potentially invalid format for variable XXX(YYY); remaining portion of line may be corrupt | varDef::readIni | The first character of the next token is not a whitespace character |
Duplicate variable XXX | varDef::readIni | Duplicate variable definition |
Ambiguous variable definition: XXX vs YYY | varDef::readIni | Ambiguous variable definition |
Unable to create variable definition for %s | parseIniVarDef | Unable to create variable definition |
Error parsing global common definition #XXX | readIniGblCmnDef | An error in parsing occurred |
Unable to create variable definition for XXX | parseIniVarDef | Unable to allocate a defintion |
Error: global common not mapped | SortDDCom | global common not mapped |
Bad ptr = NULL | tpriGsmDDCom::writeVariant | ptr = NULL |
New variant type %d does not match orig %d | tpriGsmDDCom::writeVariant |
Error: global common not mapped | traverseTree | Global common not mapped |
Unable to find GSM %s in data dictionary | mapGsm |
Error: global common not mapped | attachGsm | global common not mapped |
Error: global common not mapped | mapAllGsm | global common not mapped |
Error %d restoring GSM variable %s | tpriGsmDDCom::restorePersist | Error restoring GSM variable’s persistent data |
Error %d saving GSM variable %s | tpriGsmDDCom::savePersist | Error saving GSM variable’s persistent data |
Error %d persisting GSM variable %s | persistVar |
File not specified to save variable %s | persist1Var | File not specified to save variable |
Error %d saving variable %s to disk | persist1Var | Error writing variable to disk |
File not specified to initialize variable %s | persist1Var | File not specified to load variable |
Unable to find variable %s in file %s | tpriGsmDDCom::persist1Var | Unable to find variable to parse |
Error parsing variable %s=%s from file %s | priGsmDDCom::persist1Var | Error parsing the variable value |
File not specified to initialize variable %s | persist1Var | Don’t have file from which to load variable |
Error parsing variable %s=%s from file %s | tpriGsmDDCom::persist1Var | Error parsing the variable value |
Unknown persistence mode %d | tpriGsmDDCom::persist1Var | Error parsing variable value |
Error: global common not mapped | persistAllVars | Global common not mapped |
Error %s(%d) opening input list file %s | persistByList | Error opening file |
Unable to find section [%s] in file %s | persistByList | Unable to find section |
Unable to find GSM for variable %s | persistByList | Unable to find GSM for Variable |
Error writing variable values to file %s | persistByList | Error writing variable value to file |
Error %d persisting variable %s with file %s | persistByList | Error persisting variable |
Error writing variable values to file %s | persistByList | Error writing variable value to file |
Unable to format short variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format short |
Unable to format long variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format long |
Unable to format int64 variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format int64 |
Unable to format float variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format float |
Unable to format double variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format double |
Unable to format char variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format char |
Unable to format string variable %s with '%s' | fmtVal | Unable to format string |
Invalid value '%s' for 'LogMsgMaxDays' key in [General] section of ini file %s | readIniFile |
Data dictionary is not LogMsg aware; screens will be unable to access LogMsg data | enableDDCom | Data dictionary does not know about LogMsg queues |
Error writing %s messages to directory %s | fileLogMsgs |
Error deleting %s logs from directory %s | fileLogMsgs |
Error mapping process id global common %s; lastError=%d | tpriProc | Global common not mapped into process correctly |
Unable to find process definition for task %s | Activate |
Activation of RTSS task %s without RTSS support is denied | Activate |
Unable to find group definition %s | ActivateGroup |
Unable to find process definition for task %s | Deactivate |
Unable to find group definition %s | DeactivateGroup |
Process %s not found in process ini file | PrIni |
Existing process %s detected in state %s | PrIni | Process already active |
Process %s tpriLockProcess err=%d | PrIni |
tpriCreateSemaphore error=%d | PrIni |
Unable to initialize priority/timer from process options | PrIni |
Error %d attaching RTSS shutdown handler | PrIni |
Error: PrWait called for uninitialized process | PrWait |
Error: PrWait called for process w/out valid timer | PrWait |
Error: PrWait called for process w/out valid semaphore | PrWait |
Wait for Single Object failed. GetLastError = %d | PrWait |
%s process %s priority %d not legal | PrIni |
Process %s tpriSetThreadPriority err=%d | chkUpdProcOpts |
tpriCreateTimer error | chkUpdProcOpts | Problem creating timer |
Unable to open connection to service control manager GetLastError returns %d ***System will be unable to restart RTSS processes*** | tpriProcMgr | Unable to open connection to service control manager |
Incorrect status(=%d) to read ini file | readIniFile |
Error %d reading file %s | readIniFile |
Duplicate GrpName <%s> found in process.ini file | readIniFile |
Error %d parsing process definition string <%s> | readIniFile |
Duplicate AppName <%s> found in process.ini file | readIniFile |
Error loading process to slot (already exists); Process[%d]=%s | readIniFile |
Activation of task %s from tpriProcError state denied | Activate |
Activation of RTSS task %s without RTSS support is denied | Activate |
Error %d in CreateProcess for %s:%s | Activate | Error in creating process |
Process %s(%d) detected not alive | checkAlive |
Process %s failed to initialize in the allotted time | checkAlive |
Error 0x%X starting RTSS process %s | CheckProcs | There was an error starting this RTSS process |
Service Control Manager handle is not open | checkAliveRTSS |
Error %d retrieving process handle for %s, error = %d | checkAliveWin32 |
Error %d killing RTSS process %s using :%s: | killRTSS |
Error %d killing Win32 process %s (PID %d) | killWin32 |
Process %s (PID %d) not active | killWin32 |
Access denied opening process %s (PID %d) handle | killWin32 |
Error %d retrieving process handle for %s (PID %d) | killWin32 |
Data dictionary is not tpriProc aware; screens will be unable to access tpriProc data | enableDDCom |
NtRtCmd path not specified; unable to initialize NtRtCmd subsystem | initNtRtCmds |
Error deleting file <%s> | cleanDir | Error deleting file |
Process initialization file (%s) updated. | checkNtRtProcCmd | File updated successfully |
Error getting ini file name. File has not been updated. | CheckNtRtProcCmd | Error getting process ini file name |
Error %d parsing process definition: %s | checkNtrtProcCmd | Error parsing line |
Error %d activating process %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd |
Error %d deactivating process %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd |
Error %d suspending process %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd |
Error %d resuming process %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd |
Error %d clearing error state from web page for process %s | checkNtRtProcCmd |
Error %d activating group %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd |
Error %d deactivating group %s from web page | checkNtRtProcCmd |
Unable to find section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd |
Unable to find key 'Func' int section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd | No function specified |
Unable to find key 'Queue' int section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd | No queue specified |
Unable to find key 'DbgLvl' int section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd | No function specified |
Unable to find key 'Msg' int section [LogMsg] of NtRtCmd\\LogMsg file %s | checkNtRtLogMsgCmd | No function specified |
Error processing complete statement: %s | Parse | There’s still more info to process |
Error validating variable criteria %s | Validate |
At least one criteria group must be specified | Validate |
Error validating criteria group | Validate | There was a general error that occurred during validation |
Error parsing target variable from string: %s | Parse | Variable parsing error has occurred |
Target variable must exist in global common: %s | Parse | Variable is not named in global common |
Target variable must be followed by '=' sign: %s | Parse | The next character to parse was not an “=” |
Error processing operation: %s | Parse | Error processing the operation |
Error processing complete statement: %s | Parse | Still more information left to parse |
Error validating ModifyVariable action %s | Validate | Error validating ModifyVariable action |
Error setting output type/size for action: %s | Validate |
Unknown parameter: %s | FormatParam |
Unknown parameter: %s=%s | ParseParam |
Unknown parameter: %s | FormatParamDesc |
Unable to parse enabled flag: %s | ParseEnabled |
Unable to parse next time: %s | ParseNextEvalTime |
Unable to parse evaluation interval: %s | ParseEvalInterval |
Illegal evaluation interval: %s | ParseEvalInterval | Illegal evaluation interval |
Unable to parse lock-time-of-day flag: %s | ParseLockTimeOfDay |
Unable to parse evaluation window: %s | ParseEvalWindow |
Illegal evaluation window: %s | ParseEvalWindow |
Unable to parse re-arm interval: %s | ParseRearmInterval |
Rule name must be specified | Validate |
Next evaluation time (%s) must be specified | Validate |
Evaluation interval (%s) must be greater than zero | Validate |
Evaluation window (%s) must be greater than zero | Validate |
At least one action must be specified | Validate |
Error validating actions | Validate |
Failed to validate rule %s; rule will not be processed | AddRule |
Unable to process add file %s | ProcRuleAdd |
Unable to parse rule name from path %s | ProcRuleVerify |
Unable to file rule for ID %s | ProcRuleVerify | unable to find rule |
Error copying configuration file %s to %s | CopyHmiCfgFile |
Unable to find rule %s in file %s | Read | Didn’t find the nodes we want |
Multiple %s rules (%d) found in file %s | Read | Found too many nodes |
Unable to find any rules in file %s | Read | Unable to find any nodes |
Unable to translate text into XML node | ParseRule | Error translating text during parse |
Error writing rule configuration | Write |
Unable to find '%s' param | ParseParam | Unable to find appropriate item |
Unable to convert '%s' field to ASCII | ParseParam | Unable to convert item to |
Exception selecting field '%s': %s | ParseParam |
Exception selecting field '%s': %s | WriteParam |
Unable to create criteria of type %s | ReadCriteria | Unable to create a new criteria of the specified type |
Unable to parse %s criteria as %s | ReadCriteria | There was some error parsing |
Exception processing criteria: %s | ReadCriteria |
Unable to create action of type %s | ReadActions | Unable to create a new criteria of the specified type |
Unable to parse %s action as %s | ReadCriteria |
Exception processing actions: %s | ReadActions |
Exception writing criteria: %s | WriteCriteria |
Error mapping Trend global common %s (%d) | mapTrendGsm |
No available slots for new trend variable %s/%s | reqTrendVar |
tpriTrendGsm error initializing var %s/%s @ %d/%d | initVar |
Error %d parsing variable definition | tpriTrendGsm::readIniFile |
Unable to find correct file section [TrendGsmVars] | tpriTrendGsm::readIniFile | Unable to find correct file section |
Unable to find section [General] in ini file %s | readIniFile | Unable to find correct file section |
Invalid value %s for MaxTrendSrc in [General] section of %s | readIniFile | Invalid value |
Invalid value %s for MaxTrendVar in [General] section of %s | readIniFile | Invalid value |
Invalid value %s for TrendComSizeMB in [General] section of %s | readIniFile | Invalid value |
Unable to parse TriggerDefDir from %s TrendTrigger data collection will NOT be enabled | initTrendTrig |
Unable to parse TriggerTrendDir from %s TrendTrigger data collection will NOT be enabled | initTrendTrig |
DynamicTrendTimeout=%.0f is below the minimum allowed value of 600 seconds; resetting to minimum | readIniFile |
Error %d parsing src definition | readIniFile |
Specified size of TrendCom is too small for the specified number of variables; try >=%d MB or <=%d variables | InitTrendCom |
Unable to open existing disk buffer file file %s, opening new | bufferVarToDisk |
Unable to open disk trend file %s | bufferVarsToDisk |
Disk buffer rollover on %s/%s; %.3f seconds to be buffered but only max %.3f seconds kept on disk | bufferVarToDisk |
Mem buffer rollover on %s/%s; %.3f seconds to be buffered but only %.3f seconds in memory | bufferVarToDisk |
Error writing %d data points to disk buffer, %d written | bufferVarToDisk |
Error writing %d valid bytes to disk buffer, %d written | bufferVarToDisk |
%d trending processes failed to release TRENDCOM w/in 5 seconds; continuing with save | saveTRENDCOM |
Unable to open TRENDCOM image %s | saveTRENDCOM | Unable to open the file |
Error %d writing TRENDCOM to disk | saveTRENDCOM |
Error %d reading header from TRENDCOM image | restoreTRENDCOM |
TRENDCOM image header size %d differs from current size %d | restoreTRENDCOM |
TRENDCOM image total size %d differs from current size %d | restoreTRENDCOM |
TRENDCOM image internal dimensions differ from current dimensions | restoreTRENDCOM |
Error %d reading tsDef[%d] from TRENDCOM image | restoreTRENDCOM |
Trend source %d does not match TRENDCOM image; cannot load TRENDCOM image | restoreTRENDCOM |
Error %d paging var defs from TRENDCOM disk image | restoreTRENDCOM |
Error %d paging scratch from TRENDCOM disk image | restoreTRENDCOM |
Error %d paging valid from TRENDCOM disk image | restoreTRENDCOM |
Error %d paging scratchUsed from TRENDCOM disk image | restoreTRENDCOM |
Failed to restore trending buffers; previous data will not be available | restoreTRENDCOM |
Cannot claim restored variables without first fully initializing the trend source | claimRestoredVars | Can’t claim restored variables because we aren’t fully initialized |
Unable to request trend variable array <%s> | reqTrendVarArr |
Cannot initialize variable %s without first fully initializing the trend source | initVar |
Cannot restore trend variable %s because sampling period %.3f conflicts with base period %.3f | initVar |
Requested in-memory trend time (%lu.%03lu) for %s/%s exceeds max of %lu.%03lu for samplePer=%lu.%03lu; resetting to max | initVar |
tpriTrendSrc error %d initializing var %s/%s @ %d/%d | initVar |
Cannot check ownership of variable %s without first fully initializing the trend source | isVarOwned | We can’t check ownership of variable because we aren’t fully initialized |
Cannot claim variable without first fully initializing the trend source | claimVars |
Cannot clean dead variables without first fully initializing the trend source | cleanDeadVars | We can’t claim a variable because we aren’t fully initialized |
Cannot clean own dead variable %d without first fully initializing the trend source | cleanDeadVars | We can’t claim a variable because we aren’t fully initialized |
Cannot compact variables without first fully initializing the trend source | compactVars |
Historical trend vars failed to go extinct in the allotted time; deleting manually | ~tpriTrendSrv | Trend manager never made our variable extinct |
Invalid start and end times: %u.%09u -> %u.%09u for src/var %d/%d | getTrendData |
No more tpriTrigFile slots for history file %s | findTrendHist |
Unable to find trigger history file %s | findTrendHist |
Error %d reading trigger history file %s | findTrendHist |
Unable to request historic trend variable %s/%s | findTrendHist |
Unable to parse trigger condition string | InitTrigVar | Couldn’t parse the init string |
Unable to find trend source %s for trigger condition variable %s | initTrigVar | Couldn’t find the source |
Invalid operator '%s' trigger condition variable %s/%s | initTrigVar | Bad comparator |
Unable to request trigger condition variable %s/%s | checkValid | Flag an error |
Error %d setting thresh/cmp '%2.2s %s' on trigger variable %s/%s | checkValid |
Unable to parse trend variable string | initTrendVar | Couldn’t parse the variable name |
Unable to find trend source %s for trigger trend variable %s | initTrendVar | Couldn’t find the source |
Unable to request trigger trend variable %s/%s | checkValid |
Unable to open temporary trigger valid data file %s | startTrend |
Unable to open temporary trigger point data file %s | startTrend |
Error %d initializing trigger condition #%d | readTriggerDef |
Error %d initializing trigger trend variable %d | readTriggerDef |
Trend variable %s/%s must be realtime | readTriggerDef | This trend variable is not realtime |
Error detected; setting trigger %s inactive | checkTriggered |
Unable to open trigger output file %s | endTrigger |
Unable to find [TrendTrigDefs] section in file %s; initializing without any default trends | initTrendTrig |
Fatal error initializing trend trigger %s | addTrigger |
Unable to find available slot for trend trigger %s | addTrigger | No room for trigger |
Unable to open trigger status file %s | WriteTrigStat | Error opening trigger status file |
Unable to find Name tag in file %s | readTriggerDef |
Invalid NumTriggerVars=%d | readTriggerDef | Bad number of variables |
Invalid NumTrendVars=%d | readTriggerDef |
Unable to parse trend variable %d name/alias | readTriggerDef |
Invalid PreTriggerTrendTime=%s | readTriggerDef |
Invalid PostTriggerTrendTime=%s | readTriggerDef |
Invalid MaxTrendTime=%s | readTriggerDef |
axTrendTime must be greater than or equal to PreTriggerTrendTime + PostTriggerTrendTime | readTriggerDef |
Invalid SaveDate=%s | readTriggerDef |
Unable to guess tpriNtRtVersion | readTriggerDef |
The trigger file %s is not compatible with this version of TSENTRY | readTriggerDef |
Unable to open file %s | readTrendVarDef | Unable to open the file |
Unable to seek to position %d in file %s | readTrendVarDef | Unable to seek to the correct position in the file |
Unable to read trendvarDef from file %s | readTrendVarDef | unable to read the data from the file |
Unable to trailing delimiter (%c) in string: %s | Parse | there was an error |
Invalid character operand: %s | Parse | check that we really only have the one character |
Variable name is too long: %.*s | Parse | not enough room to import variable name |
No name to validate | Validate | we don't have a name to validate, so we should have already validated, but for some reason we have not |
Unable to find %s in data dictionary | Validate | invalid variable name |
Array variable %s not allowed | Validate | Array variable found |
Variable not initialized | Validate | we haven't tried to parse anything for this variable |
Error: failed to validate actual variable | SetCvtInfo |
Error: cannot reduce length of string during conversion | SetCvtInfo |
Error: cannot find conversion function for type %d -> %d | SetCvtInfo |
Variable not defined | UpdateCvt |
Actual variable not validated | UpdateCvt |
Converted variable not validated | UpdateCvt |
Error validating variable operation %s | Validate | There was an error validating an operand |
Unable to get operator function for operator #%d (%d/%d) -> (%d/%d) | Validate |
Error validating variable operation output %s | Validate | There was an error validating the output |
Error processing first operand of operation: %s | ParseOperation |
Error processing first operand of operation: %s | ParseOperation |
Error processing second operand of operation: %s | ParseOperation |
Error locating closing parenthesis of operation: %s | ParseOperation |
Invalid external operator: %.*s | ParseOperation |
Invalid external operator: %s | ParseOperation |
Operation failed; cancelling further operations | Evaluate |
Output update failed; cancelling further operations | Evaluate |
WSAStartup error: %d: Winsock not available | tpriABPlc::Config |
inet_addr failed; host '%s' | tpriABPlc::Config |
Function exit; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successful; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | Connect |
Function exit; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect |
Connect error %d %d | Connect | Undetermined Error occurred |
max retries (%d) exceeded | Connect |
Function exit; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect | Disconnect (hSess) |
Error on NewSessionRequest %d | Connect |
Error on NewSessionReply Function exit; status=%d rstatus=%d | Connect |
Send the loopback error %d | LoopBack |
Send a nop; fstatus=%d | SendNop |
rstatus=%d | SendWordRangeRead | Invalid parameters |
Send a command (word range read) %d | WRR |
Send a command (word range write) %d | WRW |
Tcp Recv Timeout @ %d ms (%d retries) | tpriABPlc::TcpRcv |
TcpSnd tcp/io max retries(%d) | TcpSnd |
Write error to PLC, rc=%d | ScanIO |
Read error from PLC, rc=%d | tpriABPlc::Write |
Write error to PLC, rc=%d | tpriABPlc::Write |
Undefined data type specified (%d) | tpriCLeip::bldPCCCX |
Service code 0xD4 not returned in reply: 0x%0hX | tpriCLeip::procFwdOpen |
Service code 0xCE not returned in reply: 0x%0hX | tpriCLeip::procFwdClose |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::registerSession |
Build message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdOpen |
Send message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdOpen |
Receive message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdOpen |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdClose |
Send message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdClose |
Receive message error: %d | tpriCLeip::fwdClose |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::writClPccc |
Send message error: %d | tpriCLeip::writClPccc |
TCP response not successfully received (%d) | tpriCLeip::writClPccc |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::read5Pccc |
Build message error: %d | tpriCLeip::readClPccc |
Send message error: %d | tpriCLeip::readClPccc |
Receive response error: %d | tpriCLeip::readClPccc |
Message build error: %d | tpriCLeip::rwClCip |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Invalid or unsupported encapsulation command | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Insufficient memory resources to handle command | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Poorly formed or incorrect encapsulation data | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Invalid session handle | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Invalid length of message received | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Unsupported encapsulation protocol revision | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError |
Encap. error 0x%08lX: Unknown error | tpriCLeip::LogEncapHdrError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Connection failure | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Resource unavailable | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid parameter value | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Path segment identifier or segment index not understood | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Path destination unknown | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Partial data transfer | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Connection lost | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Service not supported | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid attribute value | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Attribute list error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Already in requested mode/state | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Object state conflict | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Object already exists | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Attribute not settable | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Privilege violation | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Device state conflict | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Reply data too large | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Fragmentation of a primitive value | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Not enough data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Attribute not supported | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Too much data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Object does not exist | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Service fragmentation sequence not in progress | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: No stored attribute data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Store operation failure | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Routing failure, request packet too large | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Routing failure, response packet too large | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Missing attribute list entry data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid attribute value list | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Embedded service error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Vendor specific error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid parameter | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Write-once value or medium already written | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid reply received | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Key failure in path | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Path size invalid | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Unexpected attribute list | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Invalid Member ID | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Member not settable | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Group 2 only server general failure | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: CIP read/write error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP error 0x%02hX: Unknown error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection in use or duplicate Forward Open | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Transport class and trigger combo. not supported | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Ownership conflict | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection not found at target app. | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid connection type or priority | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid connection size | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Device not configured | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: RPI not supported or conn time-out multiplier error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection manager cannot support any more connections | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Either the Vendor ID or Product Code does not match the device | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Product Type does not match the device | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Major or Minor Revision information does not match the device | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid Connection Point | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid Configuration Format | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection request failure: no controlling connection open | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Target application cannot support any more connections | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: RPI is smaller than the Production Inhibit Time | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection cannot be closed since connection timed out | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Unconnected Send timeout out waiting for response | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Parameter Error in Unconnected Send Service | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Message too large for Unconnected message service | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Unconnected acknowledge without reply | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Beginning offset beyond end of template | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Accessing data beyond end of data object | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Abbr. type does not match data object type | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: No buffer memory available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Network bandwidth not available for data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: No tag filters available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Not configured to send real-time data | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Port specified in port segment not available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Link address specified in port segment not available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Invalid segment type or segment value in path | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Path and connection not equal in close | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Either segment not present or network segment encoded value invalid | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Link address to self invalid | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Resource on secondary unavailable | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Connection already established | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Direct connection already established | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Miscellaneous | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Redundant connection mismatch | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: No more consumer resources available | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: No connection resources exist for target path | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
CIP ext. error 0x%04hX: Unknown error | tpriCLeip::LogCIPServiceError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Destination node is out of buffer space | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Cannot guarantee delivery (no remote ACK) | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Duplicate token holder detected | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Local port is disconnected | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Application layer timed out waiting for response | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Duplicate node detected | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Station is offline | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Hardware fault | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Illegal command or format | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Host has a problem and will not communicate | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Remote node host is missing, disconnected, or shutdown | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Host could not complete function due to hardware fault | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Addressing problem or memory protect rungs | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Function not allowed due to command protection selection | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Processor is in Program mode | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Compatibility mode file missing or comm. zone problem | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Remote node cannot buffer command | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Wait ACK (1775-KA buffer full) | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Remote node problem due to download | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Command specific extended status error 0x%02hX | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
PCCC error 0x%02hX: Unknown error | tpriCLeip::LogPcccError |
Undefined data type requested (%d) | tpriCLeip::usrParms |
Err: %d: Winsock not available | tpriCLeip::conn0 |
Exit; connStatus=%d | tpriCLeip::conn0 |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successfull; connStatus=%d | tpriCLeip::conn0 |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | tpriCLeip::conn1 |
Connect error %d %d | tpriCLeip::conn1 |
max retries (%d) exceeded | tpriCLeip::conn1 |
Tcp Recv Timeout @ %d ms (%d retries) | tpriCLeip::TcpRcv |
TcpSnd tcp/io max retries(%d) | TcpSnd |
IPPROTO_TCP timestamp off not successful; GetLastError()=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect |
TM_TCP_TS timestamp off not successful; GetLastError()=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect |
Set Nagle Algorithm Off not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect |
Keepalive not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect |
setsockopt (SO_RCVBUF) not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect |
setsockopt (SO_SNDBUF) not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect |
Bind error; fstatus=%d WSAGetLastError=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect |
inet_addr failed; host '%s' | tpriGePlc::Connect |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | tpriGePlc::Connect | Select Failed |
Err connecting to %s: Connection refused (%d) | tpriGePlc::Connect |
Error connecting to %s:%d (%d): %s | tpriGePlc::Connect |
connect not successful; fstatus=%d WSAGetLastError()=%d TstTimer=%d | tpriGePlc::Connect |
writ4x msg bld unsuccessful | tpriModPlc::writ4x |
Write command PLC unsuccessful | tpriModPlc::writ4x |
TCP response not successfully received (%d) | tpriModPlc::writ4x |
encode_read4x msg bld unsuccessful | tpriModPlc::read4x |
Read cmd to PLC unsuccessful | tpriModPlc::read4x |
TCP response not successfully received (%d) | tpriModPlc::read4x |
Err: %d: Winsock not available | tpriModPlc::conn0 |
Exit; connStatus=%d | tpriModPlc::conn0 |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successfull; connStatus=%d | tpriModPlc::conn0 |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | tpriModPlc::conn1 | Select failed
Connect error %d %d | tpriModPlc::conn1 |
max retries (%d) exceeded | tpriModPlc::conn1 |
Tcp Recv Timeout @ %d ms (%d retries) | tpriModPlc::TcpRcv |
TcpSnd tcp/io max retries(%d) | TcpSnd |
Transmit Message detects broken connection error = %d | tpriModPlc::TransmitMessage |
Broken connection error = %d | tpriModPlc::rx_msg |
Remote Side Closed the Connection | tpriModPlc::rx_msg |
Err: %d: Winsock not available | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options |
Socket Create error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options |
setsockopt keep alive error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options |
setsockopt linger error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options |
setsockopt out of band error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options |
WSAAsyncSelect error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_setsocket_options |
WSAAsyncGetHostByName failed with error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_initiate_connection |
Connect Request Failed with error = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_connect_rq |
tcpip_event unexpected event = %d | tpriModPlc::tcpip_event |
Err: calling checkRio - status = %d | tpriRio::TstRtp |
Ecnt(Ai Ao Di Do) Curr: %d %d %d %d Tot: %d %d %d %d Stat: %d %d %d %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt |
Err: timeout reading AI's from %s - continuing | tpriRio::ErrRpt |
Err reading A/Is on %s; status = %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt |
timeout writing AO's - to %s - continuing | tpriRio::ErrRpt |
Err writing A/Os on %s; status = %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt |
Err: timeout reading DI's from %s - continuing | tpriRio::ErrRpt |
Err reading D/Is on %s; status = %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt |
timeout occurred writing DO's to %s - continuing | tpriRio::ErrRpt |
Err writing D/Os on %s; status = %d | tpriRio::ErrRpt |
%s open failed | tpriRio::ReadPIF |
Err: opening eiobc at %s - status = %d | tpriRio::OpenIOBC |
Err: Loading A/I Scan list to eiobc %s; status = %d | tpriRio::DnldIOBC |
Err: Loading D/I Scan list to eiobc %s; status = %d | tpriRio::DnldIOBC |
Err: Loading A/O Scan list to eiobc %s; status = %d | tpriRio::DnldIOBC |
Err: Loading D/O Scan list to eiobc %s; status = %d | tpriRio::DnldIOBC |
Err: EIOBC Download not successfully | tpriRio::DnldIOBC |
call to openRio not made | tpriRio::checkRio |
Err: sending GET_STATUS command to EIOBC | tpriRio::checkRio |
Err: Return code from GET_STATUS Command = %d | tpriRio::checkRio |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: sending DESTROY_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC for AI's | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: Return code from DESTROY_SCAN_LIST for AI's Command = %d | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: sending DESTROY_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC for DI's | tpriRio::closeRio |
DESTROY_SCAN_LIST for DI's Command = %d | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: sending DESTROY_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC for AO's | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: Return code from DESTROY_SCAN_LIST for AO's Command = %d | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: sending DESTROY_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC for DO's | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: Return code from DESTROY_SCAN_LIST for DO's Command = %d | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: sending CLOSE command to EIOBC | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: closing ethernet connection to EIOBC | tpriRio::closeRio |
Err: sending analog input CREATE_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list |
Err: Return code from analog input CREATE_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list |
Err: sending analog input GET_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list |
Err: Return code from analog input GET_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list |
Err: Returned analog input Scan Handle doesn't match! | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list |
Err: Returned A/I Count doesn't match | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list |
Err: Analog Input scan list error: miscompare ... | tpriRio::create_ai_scan_list |
Err: sending analog output CREATE_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list |
Err: Return code from analog output CREATE_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list |
Err: sending A/O GET_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list |
Err: Return code from analog output GET_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list |
Err: Returned A/O Count doesn't match | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list |
Err: Analog Output scan list error, miscompare ... | tpriRio::create_ao_scan_list |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::laiRio |
Err: OPENING FILE %s | tpriRio::laiRio |
Number of AI's in scan list file doesn't match calling argument | tpriRio::laiRio |
Expected %d AI's; got %d | tpriRio::laiRio |
The requested number of AI's ( %d ) is too large | tpriRio::laiRio |
Err: creating AI scan list | tpriRio::laiRio |
Err: creating AI scan list | tpriRio::laiRio |
Err: in analog input scan list file | tpriRio::laiRio |
Expected %d AI's; recvd %d | tpriRio::laiRio |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::laoRio |
Err: OPENING %s FILE... | tpriRio::laoRio |
Number of AO's in scan list file doesn't match calling argument | tpriRio::laoRio |
Expected %d AO's; got %d | tpriRio::laoRio |
The requested number of AO's ( %d ) is too large | tpriRio::laoRio |
Err: creating AO scan list | tpriRio::laoRio |
Err: analog output scan list file | tpriRio::laoRio |
Expected %d AO's; recvd %d | tpriRio::laoRio |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: OPENING %s FILE... | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Number of DI's in scan list file doesn't match calling argument | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Expected %d DI's; got %d | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: in digital input scan list file | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Expected %d DI's; recvd %d | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: sending digital input CREATE_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: Return code from digital input CREATE_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: sending digital input GET_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: Return code from digital input GET_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: Returned digital input Scan Handle doesn't match! | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: Returned digital input Count doesn't match | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: Digital Input scan list error, miscompare ... | tpriRio::ldiRio |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: OPENING FILE %s | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Number of DO's in scan list file doesn't match calling argument | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Expected %d DO's; recvd %d | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Expected %d DO's; recvd %d | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: digital output scan list file Expected %d DO's; recvd %d | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: sending digital output CREATE_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: Return code from digital output CREATE_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: sending digital output GET_SCAN_LIST command to EIOBC | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: Return code from digital output GET_SCAN_LIST Command = %d | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: Returned digital output Scan Handle doesn't match! | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: Returned digital output Count doesn't match | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: Digital Output scan list error, miscompare ... | tpriRio::ldoRio |
Err: loading EIOBC destination address - exiting | tpriRio::openRio |
Err: initializing the ethernet controller - exiting | tpriRio::openRio |
Err: sending OPEN command to EIOBC | tpriRio::openRio |
Err: Return code from OPEN Command = %d | tpriRio::openRio |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::raiRio |
Err: call to laiRio not made | tpriRio::raiRio |
Read Err A/I pnt# %d, status=0x%2X CorrelationID=0x%X | tpriRio::raiRio |
Type=0x%X Data=0x%X | tpriRio::raiRio |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::rdiRio |
Err: call to ldiRio not made | tpriRio::rdiRio |
Err: sending RESET command to EIOBC | tpriRio::rdiRio |
Err: Return code from RESET Command = %d | tpriRio::rdiRio |
Err: closing ethernet connection to EIOBC | tpriRio::rdiRio |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::waoRio |
Err: call to laoRio not made | tpriRio::waoRio |
Err: call to openRio not made | tpriRio::waoRio |
Err: call to ldoRio not made | tpriRio::wdoRio |
WSAStartup error: %d: Winsock not available | tpriRio::linkio |
linkio must be called with option = 1 first | tpriRio::linkio |
Err: Unable to create socket - %d | tpriRio::linkio |
Err: cannot connect to server - %d | tpriRio::linkio |
ioctlsocket (non-blocking) not successful; fstatus=%d | tpriRio::linkio |
linkio must be called with option = 2 first | tpriRio::linkio |
Output buffer too long | tpriRio::linkio |
Input buffer too long | tpriRio::linkio |
Input buffer too short | tpriRio::linkio |
socket write failed | tpriRio::linkio |
linkio must be called with option = 2 first | tpriRio::linkio |
Output buffer too long | tpriRio::linkio |
Input buffer too long | tpriRio::linkio |
Input buffer too short | tpriRio::linkio |
unsolicited msg received; size=%d | tpriRio::linkio |
socket write failed | tpriRio::linkio |
recv failed; rsize=%d, errno=%d | tpriRio::linkio |
invalid address size | tpriRio::linkio |
no data in message | tpriRio::linkio |
Variable %s bad remote type %s | InitDrv |
Conversion of type not allowed under specified mode for variable %s | InitDrv |
Unable to find appropriate conversion function to %s for variable %s | InitDrv |
Bit index not specified for variable %s | InitDrv |
Invalid bit index '%s' specified for variable %s (type=%d) | InitDrv |
Specified mode for variable %s does not allow type conversions | InitDrv |
Unable to open file %s | writeIODesc |
Error unmapping PCI memory | closeVMIC |
Error processing %s: undefined mode %d | runDrv |
Error: sync failure | chkStatus |
Error: sync not established (%x) | chkStatus |
Bad big/little endian settings = 0x%2.2x; resetting to 0x%2.2x | chkStatus |
Driver initialization failed: %d | stateDrv |
Error %d writing buffer to communcations device %s | stateDrv |
Receive buffer overrun (%d bytes) | tpriRdc::waitRsp |
Receive timeout from %s | waitRsp |
Error connecting to %s:%d, ComConn=%d, errno=%d | tpriRdcCbx::resetConn |
Comm device name unassigned; setting idle | setupComm |
Comm device name set to %s: setting idle | setupComm |
read error; GetLastError = %d | tpriRdcSer::waitRsp |
Comm device name unassigned; setting idle | setupComm |
Comm device name set to %s: setting idle | setupComm |
Error %d setting socket I/O blocking %d | setupComm |
Error %d writing buffer to communcations device %s: %s | xmitMsg |
Connection closed to %s | clrRsp |
Read error(%d): %s | clrRsp |
Connection closed to %s | tpriRdcTcp::waitRsp |
Read error(%d): %s | tpriRdcTcp::waitRsp |
Recv'd End connection reqst | tpriRdcTcp::waitRsp |
Error %d setting socket I/O blocking %s | setBlocking | Non-blocking request was not successful |
gethostbyname failed; host '%s'; LastError=%d | tpriRdcTcp::open |
inet_addr failed; host '%s' | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Error %d opening stream socket | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Error %d setting keep-alive on: %s | open |
Error %d getting keepalive option: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Error %d setting send buffer size: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Error %d getting send buffer size: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Error %d setting receive buffer size: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Error %d getting receive buffer size: %s | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Check of non-blocking connection to %s:%d via select(...) failed (%d) | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Err connecting to %s: Connection refused (%d) | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Error connecting to %s:%d (%d): %s | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Err connecting to %s: Connection refused (%d) | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Non-blocking connection to %s:%d failed (%d) | tpriRdcTcp::open |
Error connecting to %s:%d (%d): %s | tpriRdcTcp::open |
gethostbyname failed; host '%s'; LastError=%d | OpenComm |
Error granting access to console | tpriConnThread::InitInstance |
Error granting access to console | tpriSvrApp::InitInstance |
Error opening file %s | readBuildInfo |
Unable to find section '%s' in file %s | readBuildInfo |
Error copying initial htm file (either existing htm or template) %s to %s | createScreenHtm |
Error opening temp output file %s | createScreenHtm |
Error copying temp output file %s to final output file %s | createScreenHtm |
File version error: %s cannot have an earlier date than %s.\n\n If %s is no longer used by the %s screen then please delete this file. | copyScreenDlls |
Failed to copy \"%s\" to \"%s\" | copyScreenDlls |
Unable to create directory \"%s\" | copyFlatHtmFiles |
Failed to copy \"%s\" to \"%s\" | copyFlatHtmFiles |
Error %d opening file %s | createIncludeCab |
Unable to find 'install.files' section in %s | createIncludeCab |
Too many files in 'install.files' section of %s | createIncludeCab |
Unable to parse file name from <%s> in %s | createIncludeCab |
Error %d opening file %s | createIncludeCab |
Cannot find version number in %s | createIncludeCab |
Cannot find class ID in %s | createIncludeCab |
Error %d copying file %s to %s | createIncludeCab |
Error %d opening file %s | createIncludeCab |
Error %d opening file %s | createIncludeCab |
Error %d copying file %s to %s | updVersionCtrl |
Unable to find file %s | execCabarc |
Directory found where we expected file %s | execCabarc |
Cabarc.exe did not finish in the allotted time | execCabarc |
Error %d exectuting <%s> | execCabarc |
Cabarc.exe failed to create file %s | execCabarc |
Directory found where we expected cab file %s | execCabarc |
SignCode on %s (%s) did not finish in the allotted time | execSigncode |
Error %d signing cab file %s (%s) | execSigncode |
Error %d exectuting <%s> | execSigncode |
VB project build for %s did not finish in the allotted time | execVBBuild |
Error %d making VB project %s | execVBBuild |
Error %d exectuting <%s> | execVBBuild |
Error %d opening ini file %s | readIniGeneral |
Error %d finding next screen | getNextScreen |
“The VB.NET screen " + screenName + " must be rebuilt in the Visual Studio environment | Build&Publish |
“The screen " + screenName + "is an invalid screen type.” | Build&Publish |
Unable to find any screens for group %s | build&Publish |
Error %d opening ini file %s | readIniGeneral |
Failed to initialize tpriTrend object | Trend Process |
Error %d setting up Windows sockets | GsmExpRcv |
Unable to find file section [GsmExpSvrs] in %s | readIniFile |
Unable to find correct line in section [GsmExpSvrs] of %s | readIniFile |
Unable to parse group name in line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile |
Unable to parse remote address in line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile |
Unable to parse update rate in line %d of section GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile |
Invalid update rate = %d ms on line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile |
Unable to parse timeout factor in line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile |
Invalid timeout factor = %d on line %d of section [GsmExpSvrs] of ini file %s | readIniFile |
Unable to find any entries in section [%s] of ini file %s | ReadIniFile |
Unable to find section [%s] of ini file %s | ReadIniFile |
Unable to find line %d in section [%s] of %s | ReadIniFile |
Unable to parse remote variable name from line %d in section [%s] of %s | ReadIniFile |
Unable to parse local variable name from line %d in section [%s] of %s | ReadIniFile |
Failed data dictionary lookup of %s from line %d "in section [%s] of %s | ReadIniFile |
Undecipherable data received; discarding %d bytes | testRsp |
Received message while in bad receiver state %d | procRsp |
Received bad message type %d; expecting variable definitions (%d) | procVarDef |
Received message containing %d bytes (expecting %d for %d vars) | procVarDef |
Remote variable %s not defined: vType=%d size=%d | procVarDef |
Remote variable %s is of incorrect type %d (expecting %d) | procVarDef |
Remote variable %s is of incorrect size %d (expecting %d) bytes | procVarDef |
Received bad message type %d; expecting variable update (%d) | procVarUpd |
Received message containing %d bytes (expecting %d for %d vars) | procVarUpd |
Request for invalid variable %s | parseVars |
Error removing variable <%s> with no conns | GsmOpcSvr |
Error updating OPC variable <%s> | GsmOpcSvr |
%d clients did not disconnect; exiting regardless | GsmOpcSvr |
Error creating OPC tag for '%s' | UnknownItemProc |
Error updating OPC variable '%s' for first time | UnknownItemProc |
Request for undefined variable %s (Path = %s) | UnknownItemProc |
Unable to find tag | WriteNotifyProc |
Error writing OPC variable %s, %d bytes | WriteNotifyProc |
OPC variable <%s> wrong variant type | WriteNotifyProc |
Error %d copying variant back to local tag list | WriteNotifyProc |
Unable to find tag on second pass | WriteNotifyProc |
Error updating tag %s after new value written | WriteNotifyProc |
Unknown command line argument %s | GsmPifBld |
Error changing default packing alignment from %d to %d | setDefPackAlign |
No slots available to add include directory %s | addIncDir |
Parsing error in header file <%s> at line #%d | createPif |
%s%s not found in any include directory: | createPif |
Maximum number of structure entries (%d) has been exceeded | parseInput |
Error: unable to insert #define: <%s> | parseLbDefine |
Error: #define equates to the replacement string: <%s> | parseLbDefine |
Error parsing #define statement <%s> | parseLbDefine |
Unable to #undef undefined variable <%s> | parseLbUndef |
Error parsing #undef statement <%s> | parseLbUndef |
Error parsing #include <%s> | parseLbInclude |
Invalid #pragma pack(push, x); unable to find comma | parseLbPragma |
Invalid #pragma pack(push, x); pack value not specified | parseLbPragma |
Invalid #pragma pack(pop); more pop's than pushes | parseLbPragma |
Bad #pragma pack(%s) | parseLbPragma |
%sIgnoring unknown directive <#pragma %s> on line #%d | parseLbPragma |
Error defining new structure <%s> | parseStruct |
Duplicate structure <%s> | parseStruct |
Embedded unions not allowed | parseTypedef |
Embedded typedefs not allowed | parseTypedef |
Error defining new enum <%s> | parseStruct |
Duplicate name <%s> | parseStruct |
Error instantiating existing structure <%s><%s> | parseStruct |
Error: multiple 'extern' directives | parseExtern |
Error: closing brace while level == 0 | parseEndLevel |
Error parsing type information from \"%40.40s\" | parseGeneral |
Ignoring pointer typedef %s %s | parseGeneral |
Invalid declaration of pointer variable %s %s | parseGeneral |
Invalid variable name <%s> | procVarDef |
Error %d defining variable <%s><%s> | procVarDef |
Unable to open pif file <%s> | writePif |
Unable to find %s in data dict | TestSize |
%s size is incorrect: actual = %d, ddcom=%d | TestSize |
%s offset is incorrect: actual = %d, ddcom=%d | TestSize |
Error initializing data dictionary | BuildDict |
Error building structure file %s | TestHeader |
Error building data dictionary for file %s | TestHeader |
Error testing data dictionary for file %s | TestHeader |
Failed start of NtRtMgr due to presence of existing processes | NtRtStart |
Failed start of NtRtMgr due to presence of existing processes | NtRtStart |
Error reading LogMsg config file name from ini file <%s> | NtRtStart |
Error reading process definitions from ini file <%s> | NtRtStart |
Error reading process definition file name from ini file <%s> | NtRtStart |
Unable to create data dictionary global common: DDCOM common already exists. One or more processes have not completely released their resources. Please terminate those processes and restart the system. | NtRtStart |
Error initializing data dictionary from ini files <%s> and <%s>. | NtRtStart | Data dictionary not properly initialized |
Error reading variable definitions from ini file <%s>. These variables will be ignored and system startup will continue. | NtRtStart |
Error reading variable definitions from ini file <%s>. The system cannot start. | NtRtStart | The ini file parameter says don't even try to kill them off |
Error %d sorting data dictionary to optimize lookups | NtRtStart | Sort failed |
Error initializing process information for %s | NtRtStart |
Error creating global shared memory areas | NtRtStart |
Failure restoring global shared memory. | NtRtStart |
Error %d initializing NtRtCmd subsystem | NtRtStart |
Failure starting all processes | NtRtStart |
LogMsg buffer overrun; lost >= %d messages | LogMsgUpdate |
Process initialization file (%s) updated. | CNtRtMgrDlg::OnEditProc |
Error %d opening file %s | readIni |
Unable to find section [AppShutdownOpts] in file %s | readIni |
Error %d parsing shutdown option %d from section [AppShutdownOpts] in file %s | readIni |
Unable to find appication shutdown option variable %s in data dictionary | parseShutdownOpts |
Appication shutdown option variable %s is not valid type (I4/UI4) | parseShutdownOpts |
Application shutdown process %s is not a valid process | parseShutdownOpts |
Unable to save current trigger list to ini file %s | TrendTrig |
Out of memory @ structure %s | structDef::readIni | Ran out of memory during structure read |
Out of memory @ structure %s | initFromHdr | Ran out of memory during parse of name string |
Out of memory @ gsm %s | gsmDef::gsmDef | Ran out of memory during GSM definition |
Out of memory @ gsm %s | gsmDef::readIni | Ran out of memory during GSM struct definition read-in |
GSM variable name %s is not unique | readIni | Name read during GSM read-in is not unique |
Unable to parse GSM variable name from line | readIni | Unable to parse GSM variable name from the read-in line |
Error setting structure type %s for GSM %s | readIni | Search for type in struct item list failed |
Unable to parse type name for GSM %s | readIni | Unable to parse type name for GSM |
Out of memory @ gsm %s | gsmDef::readIni |
GSM object name %s for GSM %s is not unique | readIni |
Unable to parse GSM object name for GSM %s | readIni |
Unable to parse GSM mask for GSM %s | readIni |
Out of memory @ gsm %s | gsmDef::readIni |
Unable to parse ascii disk file name for GSM %s | readIni |
Out of memory @ variable %s | varDef::readIni |
Error reading unknown variable name from %s | varDef::readIni |
Error reading variable %s persistence flag | varDef::readIni |
Out of memory @ variable %s | varDef::readIni |
Error reading variable %s format | varDef::readIni |
Error reading variable %s init value | varDef::readIni |
Error reading variable %s min value | varDef::readIni |
Error reading variable %s max value | varDef::readIni |
Out of memory @ variable %s | varDef::readIni |
Error reading variable %s description | varDef::readIni |
Out of memory @ variable %s | shortVar::readIniValue |
Out of memory @ variable %s | longVar::readIniValue |
Out of memory @ variable %s | int64Var::readIniValue |
Out of memory @ variable %s | floatVar::readIniValue |
Out of memory @ variable %s | doubleVar::readIniValue |
Out of memory @ variable %s | longVar::readIniValue |
Out of memory @ variable %s | stringVar::readIniValue |
Error: global common is not mapped | readIniFiles | Global common was not mapped accurately |
Unable to find [StructDef] section in sysStruct.ini file %s | readIniFiles | Open of struct def file failed |
Unable to find [GblCmnDef] section in sysVars.ini file %s | readIniFiles | Open of the variable def file failed |
Unable to find [VarDef] section in sysVars.ini file %s | readIniFiles | Open of var def file failed, but can continue |
Too many errors | ReadIniVarDefs | Over 99 errors occurred during execution of var def read-in |
Symbol & source line: %s | crashHandler | Display of extended exception information |
Symbol & source line: Unknown symbol and source | crashHandler | Unable to display extended exception information, because ptr was NULL |
Stack trace: | crashHandler | A display of the entire stack |
Register dump: | crashHandler | A display the entirety of memory after a crash |
Fatal Error -- Invalid parameter: %ws in %ws | invalidParameterHandler | Invalid parameter error occurred |
Mapped TrendCom has different internal dimensions than those currently specified | mapTrendGsm | An existing global common is mapped with different internal dimensions |
ERROR! Trying to disconnect a connecting socket | tpriCLeip::disconnect | Error in trying to disconnect a socket that is connected or connecting |
Undefined PCCC message type = %d | tpriCLeip::bldPCCC5 |
Undefined PCCCX message type = %d | tpriCLeip::bldPCCCX |
WSAStartup error %d: Winsock not available | tpriGePlc::Init |
Err: GePlc Initialization NOT successful | tpriGePlc::Init |
Socket is invalid | tpriGePlc::Connect |
Err: EIOBC Initialization & Download NOT successful | tpriRio::InitIOBC |
unable to bind socket | tpriRio::linkio |
Unable to open VMIC ini file %s | InitDrv |
Unable to find [General] section in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv |
Invalid device index %d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv | Invalid board index in VMIC ini file |
Unable to find [VarDef] section in VMIC ini file %s | InitDrv | Unable to find VarDef section in VMIC ini file |
Unable to parse variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv |
Error looking up variable pointer for %s | initDrv | Error retrieving pointer |
Unable to parse read/write flag from variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv |
Invalid mode flag for variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv |
Unable to parse offset from variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv |
Invalid VMIC offset=%d for variable definition #%d in VMIC ini file %s | initDrv |
Variables %s(%d) and %s(%d) overlap in the VMIC buffer | initDrv |
Error %d opening VMIC interface board %d | initDrv |
Unable to find PCI card | openVMIC |
Error mapping physical memory @ 0x%p into process | openVMIC |
Error %d opening device %s | openVMIC |
IOCTL_PCI55XX_MAP_RFM failed; lastError=%d | openVMIC |
Variable %s @ offset/size = %ld/%d does not lie inside usable RFM memory | openVMIC |
RFM memory size is %d bytes - User variables cannot start before offset %d | openVMIC |
IOCTL_PCI55XX_UNMAP_RFM failed; lastError=%d | openVMIC |
DemoCom Global Shared Memory mapping error | DemoCom | Error mapping the global shared memory area |
Processing command line parameters... | ProcCmdLine | Command line options were found |
Error parsing command line options at '%s' | ProcCmdLine | Can’t parse if next character is not a hyphen |
Error: invalid build/publish flag %c | ProcCmdLine |
Error: cannot specify a screen without first specifying build/publish flags and group name. | ProcCmdLine | Not enough parameters have been specified |
Error: invalid screen: %s | ProcCmdLine | Invalid screen name |
Command line calling format: tpriPublisher -b|p -g Group [-a] [-s Screen] | ProcCmdLine | Invalid calling parameters for tpriPublisher |
Error reading trend manager ini file %s; fstatus = %d | TrendMgr | Process definitions not read in correctly from ini file |
GSM Export Receiver ini file not specified | GsmExpRcv |
Unable to find any [GsmExpSvrs] entries in ini file %s | GsmExpRcv |
Unable to initialize GsmExpRcv(%d) from %s | GsmExpRcv |
Error initializing process | GsmOpcSvr | Unable to initialize the process environment using Command Line parameters |
Error initializing OPC Server | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error initializing the OPC server |
Error enabling event messages | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error enabling the event messages from OPC server |
Error enabling WriteNotification | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error in enabling callback notifications for client writes |
Error enabling UnknownItemNotification | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error enabling callback notification for requests for unknown items |
Error enabling ItemRemovalNotification | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error enabling notification for item removal |
Error enabling EnableDisconnectNotification | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error enabling disconnect notification from clients |
Error disabling 30 minute timer. | GsmOpcSvr | There was an error deactivating the 30 minute timer so that program can run forever |
# OPC conns has exceeded the maximum allowed; forcing exit | GsmOpcSvr | Opc connections has exceeded the maximum allowed, forcing a program exit. |
Not enough command line parameters. Correct calling format is: GsmPifBld [-p<defPackAlign>] [-i<incDir>] <pif.ini> <header.h> | GsmPifBld | There were an incorrect number of command line parameters |
Error processing %d bytes at end of file %s: | createPif | The program has stopped but there are still bytes left in the file |
Encountered #error directive | parseLbError |
Embedded enums are not allowed | parseEnum |
Error executing \"%s\" | BuildStruct |
Failed to wait for process completion for \"%s\" | BuildStruct |
At least one test failed! | GsmPifBldTest |
Ini file not specified, exiting | MillSim | No ini file was specified |
Error initializing process | MillSim | There was an error initializing the process |
SimCom Global Shared Memory mapping error | MillSim | Error in mapping the global shared memory area |
Unable to shut down the NtRtMgr window | NtRtStop | Unable to close the NtRtMgr window. |
Error %d mapping global commons | TrendGsm | There was an error mapping global shared memory areas |
Unable to create properly initialized tpriTrendGsm | TrendGsm |
TrendMgr task not started; setting TrendGsm process error | TrendGsm | TrendMgr has not been started |
Error reading trend definitions from %s; fstatus = %d | TrendGsm | Process definitions are not in correctly |
Trend definitions file not specified, no trends started | TrendGsm |
Error parsing ini file %s; fstatus = %d | TrendMgr | Process definitions were not parsed correctly |
Error initializing trend manager from ini file %s; fstatus = %d | TrendMgr | The Trend Manager was not initialized correctly |
Trend manager ini file not specified, unable to start trend manager | TrendMgr |
Error initializing trend manager | TrendMgr |
Error initializing process | TrendTrig | Unable to initialize the local process environment using Process Init File Parameters |
Error initializing trending system | TrendTrig |
TrendMgr task not started; setting TrendTrig process error | TrendTrig |
Unable to initialize trend trigger subsystem | TrendTrig | Unable to Process the ini file |
Trend trigger ini file not specified | TrendTrig | Trend trigger ini file was not specified |
Processed screen: XXXX | Build&Publish | Process screen was successful |
Process XXXX reactivated | CheckProc | Process was restarted by Activate and successful |
Process XXXX pulse timer expired | CheckPulse | This process is off in the toolies, so kill it |
Sync reestablished | ChkStatus | Sync reestablished |
Host IP Addr:XXX, Timeout=YYYY | Config |
Accepting connection from XXXX (YYYY) | CreateSpecific |
Connection broken to XXXX (YYYY) | DeleteSpecific |
Trigger XXXX data collection stopped | EndTrigger | Trigger has just been turned off, and history trend has been updated |
Trigger XXXX file YYYY written | EndTrigger | The trigger file has been closed |
Piffile:XXXX | tpriGePlc::Init | Process .ini file contents read from PIF file |
Init file XXXX not found! | tpriGePlc::Init | PIF file open failed |
Piffile:XXXX | tpriRio::InitIOBC | Process .ini file contents read from PIF file |
EIOBC Initialization & Download completed successfully. | tpriRio::InitIOBC | IOBC was opened successfully |
Load EIOBC destination address complete | tpriRio::openRio | Completed load EIOBC destination address |
Initialization of the Ethernet controller complete | tpriRio::openRio | Completed Ethernet controller init |
New readTimotMax=XXXX | tpriRio::linkio |
Error initializing process commons | GsmExpRcv | Unable to initialize process management class |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory Export Receiver XXXX | GsmExpRcv | Message to identify the system |
Error initializing process | GsmExpRcv | Unable to set up environment using process initialization file parameters |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory Export Server XXXX | GsmExpSrv | Successfully created the process initialization object |
Process exiting | GsmExpSvr | Making sure all connection threads exit before we do… |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory OPC Server XXXX | GsmOpcSvr | Putting out a message identifying the system |
Registering OPC Server GsmOpcSvr…. | GsmOpcSvr | Registering the server |
….server registration successful | GsmOpcSvr | Server reg successful |
….server registration unsuccessful | GsmOpcSvr | Server reg unsuccessful |
….client registration successful | GsmOpcSvr | Client reg successful |
….client registration unsuccessful | GsmOpcSvr | Client reg unsuccessful |
Unregistering OPC Server GsmOpcSvr…. | GsmOpcSvr | Unregistering the server |
….unregistration successful | GsmOpcSvr | unregistration successful |
….unregistration unsuccessful | GsmOpcSvr | unregistration successful |
Unknown command line parameters: XXXX | GsmOpcSvr | Parameter XXXX was passed into GsmOpcSvr, and is unknown |
No command line registration arguments specified | GsmOpcSvr | Command line arguments not specified |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory OPC Server XXXX | GsmOpcSvr | Putting out message identifying the system |
Wintech OPC Server DLL Revision XXXX | GsmOpcSvr | Putting out Wintech OPC Server DLL version |
Process exiting | GsmOpcSvr |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory Data Dictionary Builder | GsmPifBld | Display Data Dict Builder version |
Successfully created pif file XXXX | GsmPifBld | Created Pif From Header |
Unable to create the pif file XXXX | GsmPifBld | Unable to create PIF from Header |
Retrying with extensive debugging information: | GsmPifBld | PIF file creation failed, changing to DBDETAIL and retrying |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memory Data Dictionary Tester vXXXX | GsmPifBldTest | Display Data Dict Tester version |
All tests succeeded | GsmPifBldTest | All data dictionary tests succeeded |
VMIC configured for read-only | InitDrv | VMIC configured for read-only |
VMIC configured to write all zeros | InitDrv | VMIC configured to write all zeros |
VMIC interface successfully initialized | InitDrv | VMIC interface successfully init |
Unable to initialize VMIC interface | InitDrv | Unable to init VMIC |
Forcibly killing RTSS process XXXX | KillRTSS | Successfully created process using CreateProcess |
Forcibly killed Win32 process XXXX | KillWin32
| Reset the process ID to indicate termination |
Global Shared Memory Store Complete | NtRtMgr | Shouted message to indicate GSM save |
NtRt system completely shut down | NtRtMgr | Shouted message to say all done |
Error processing system stop request | NtRtMgr | Error processing system stop requests |
Initiating Windows reboot | NtRtMgr | System reboot requested |
Initiating Windows shutdown | NtRtMgr | System shutdown requested |
TSENTRY Real-time Process Control System Manager vXXXX | NtRtMgr | Message identifying the system |
TSENTRY Real-time Extended Library: XXXX | NtRtMgr | Message identifying the system |
Global Shared Memory Restore Complete | NtRtMgr | Restoring the persistent variables complete |
Start all system processes | NtRtMgr | Start up application processes |
TSENTRY System startup complete | NtRtMgr | Start up was successful |
TSHENTRY Process Monitor vXXX | NtRtMgr | Message to identify the system |
Error initializing process | NtRtMtr | Unable to init process |
Process exiting | NtRtMtr |
WARNING: NtRtMgr started while existing processes active | NtRtStart | A second instance of NtRtMgr was started |
NtRtCmd path not specified in XXXX; screens will be unable to issue NtRtCmds | NtRtStart |
TSENTRY NtRtStop Process vXXXX | NtRtStop | Message identifying the system |
Some processes left alive | NtRtStop | Some processes left alive |
Error XXXX deactivating all processes | NtRtStop | Errors deactivating processes |
Process exiting | NtRtStop | Process exiting |
Error initializing process commons | NtRtTask | Unable to initialize process management global |
NtRtTask V1.00 | NtRtTask | Message identifying the process Version number |
Error initializing process | NtRtTask | Unable to set up local process environ using proc init file parameters |
Process exiting | NtRtTask | Exit process |
Not enough command line parameters. Correct calling format is: TrendArchive <pifFile> <histFile> Where: <pifFile> is the name of trend pif file <histFile> is the name of the desired output | TrendArchive |
Successfully created historical trend file XXXX | TrendArchive | Build of trend archive file was successful |
Unable to historical trend file XXXX | TrendArchive | Build of trend archive file was unsuccessful |
TelePro/SSE Mill Simulation Process vXXXX | MillSim | Identify the Mill Sim Process version |
Process exiting | MillSim | Process ending |
Error XXX activating group YYY | OnActivateGroup |
Error XXX activating group YYYY | OnActivateGroup |
Activating process XXXX from console | OnActivateProc |
Clearing error state for process XXXX from console | OnClearErrorProc |
Error XXXX clearing error state for process YYYY | OnClearErrorProc |
Deactivating process XXXX from console | OnDeactivateProc |
Error XXX deactivating process YYYY | OnDeactivateProc |
Received valid request from XXXX (YYYY) | OnReceive | Passed data on to GsmExpSvr handler |
Sending variable definition message to XXXX (YYYY) | OnReceive | Sending variable definition message |
Received invalid request from XXXX (YYYY) | OnReceive | Received invalid request |
Resuming process XXXX from console | OnResumeProc |
Suspending process XXXX from console | OnSuspendProc |
Starting variable updates to XXXX (YYYY) | OnTimer |
Processing group: XXXX | ProcCmdLine | Read group ini data successfully |
TpriPublisher command line operation complete | ProcCmdLine | Command line operation was completed |
Received XXXX variable definition message from YYYY | ProcVarDef | Successfully checked each variable’s type |
Receiving XXX variable update messages from YYY | ProcVarUpd | Counting the updates |
Read Simulation Parameters from XXXX | ReadSimParms |
Restoring trending buffers from disk file XXXX | RestoreTRENDCOM | Trend common image file was opened successfully, and trend buffers are being restored |
Restore of trending buffers from disk complete | RestoreTRENDCOM | Trend common restore was successful |
Saving trending buffers to disk file XXXX | SaveTRENDCOM | Created a trend common image file name, and now saving the data to the file |
Save of trending buffers to disk complete. | SaveTRENDCOM | Trend common image file was saved successfully |
Connected to XXXX for YYYY variable | SetupComm | Connection made |
Cleaned bytes from socket | SetupComm | Cleaned out the incoming buffer |
Disconnected from XXXX for YYYY variables | SetupComm | Disconnected |
Connection failed to XXXX for YYYY variable | SetupComm | Connection failed |
Trigger XXXX data collection started | startTrigger | “Tell the user what’s up,” then fire the trigger action as desired |
TelePro Trend Archive V1.00 | TrendArchive | Writing log messages to console since not in NtRtMgr environment |
TSENTRY Global Shared Memroy Trend Acquisition Process vXXXX | TrendGSM | Message identifying the process Version number |
Error initializing process | TrendGsm | Unable to initialize process |
Process exiting | TrendGsm | Application has decided it no longer wants to run, so cleaning and exiting |
TSENTRY Trend Subsystem Manager vXXXX | TrendMgr | Message to identify the system |
Error initializing process | TrendMgr | Unable to initialize process |
Process exiting | TrendMgr | Application has decided it no longer wants to run, so cleaning and exiting |
TSENTRY Trend Server vXXXX | TrendSrv | Message to identify itself |
Process exiting | TrendSrv | Application has decided it no longer wants to run, so cleaning and exiting |
TSENTRY Trend Trigger System vXXXX | TrendTrig | Message to identify itself |
Process exiting | TrendTrig | Application has decided it no longer wants to run, so cleaning and exiting |
Process Abort Traceback Message
Tsentry can collect and output a set of information about any Tsentry-aware process that abends (has an abnormal end). This information is printed to the LogMsg file if requested for a process in the sysProcs.ini file.
The “trapCrash” option, initially set on a per-task basis in the sysProcs.ini file, includes the following alternatives, as described in the comments of that file:
# Trap Crash - Combination of character flags specifying how process # crashes/exceptions should be handled # N = Default handling (windows displays message box) # T = Terminate process # D = Log description # S = Try to find symbol and source line # W = Walk back along stack and dump info # R = Dump register values # Y = Default 'Yes' = Same as 'TDS' # A = All possible options
An example of the Traceback information output to LogMsg is as follows. This abend was caused by a task (DemoTask) that was hardcoded to use a pointer set to NULL to reference a value. The TrapCrash option was set to an “A”, requesting all information be dumped and requesting that the process be terminated.
Line 1 17:56:42 DemoTask DemoTask DemoTask V1.00 Line 2 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler DemoTask.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module DemoTask.exe at 001B:0040112A Line 3 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler Symbol & source line: Line 4 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler main()+0282 byte(s), D:\DemoNtRt\Demo\Tasks\DemoTask\DemoTask.cpp, line 0166+0003 byte(s) Line 5 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler Stack trace: Line 6 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler 001B:0040112A (0x00000001 0x00E02F00 0x00E02F68 0xCCCCCCCC) DemoTask.exe, main()+0282 byte(s), D:\DemoNtRt\Demo\Tasks\DemoTask\DemoTask.cpp, line 0166+0003 byte(s) Line 7 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler 001B:0041BAEC (0xCCCCCCCC 0xCCCCCCCC 0x7FFDF000 0xCCCCCCCC) DemoTask.exe, mainCRTStartup()+0252 byte(s), crt0.c, line 0206+0025 byte(s) Line 8 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler 001B:77EA847C (0x0041B9F0 0x00000000 0x000000C8 0x00000100) KERNEL32.dll, ProcessIdToSessionId()+0381 byte(s) Line 9 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler Register dump: Line 10 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler EAX=00000000 EBX=7FFDF000 ECX=0000001E EDX=01320000 ESI=CCCCCCCC Line 11 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler EDI=CCCCCCCC EBP=0012FF80 ESP=0012FF14 EIP=0040112A FLG=00010202 Line 12 17:56:43 DemoTask crashHandler CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=0038 GS=0000 Line 13 17:56:43 NtRtMgr checkAlive Process DemoTask(1048) detected not alive
A Description of each line follows:
Line 1: Startup message of the process
Line 2: 1st line of abort. Displays the reason code and process address
Line 3: Header
Line 4: Defines the function name and byte offset within the function, fully qualified file name of source module, and source line and byte offset within that line’s code that was being executed when abort occurred.
Line 5: Header
Line 6: Stack information;
This group of lines lists the functions calls that were executed to get to the current location of the abort. They are listed in reverse chronological order. The first line contains the location of the abort. If this line is in an application program for which debugging information is accessible, then it will provide the line of code that was executing when the abnormal termination occurred. In the example above (DemoTask.exe, main()+0282 byte(s), D:\DemoNtRt\Demo\Tasks\DemoTask\DemoTask.cpp, line 0166+0003 byte(s)), the problem occurred in line 166 of DemoTask.cpp. There will be one following line in this Stack Information section for each call tracing back to the initial Kernel call that initiated the process.
Line 7: Additional stack information: Previous call (DemoTask.exe, mainCRTStartup()+0252 byte(s), crt0.c, line 0206+0025 byte(s))
Line 8: Additional stack information: Previous, and in this case the initial, call made by this process (KERNEL32.dll, ProcessIdToSessionId()+0381 byte(s))
Line 9: Header: Register Dump
Line 10-12: Register dump at time of error. These lines are normally not particularly useful unless you have access to and will be reviewing the assembly language that was produced by this line of code.
Line 13: NtRtMgr notices that the process has aborted. It outputs this message, notices that the process does not have AutoRestart set, and does not more.
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