The Tsplice .NET API defines classes that allow a .NET application to interact with a Tsplice host. Generally speaking, the flow of code is as follows:
Create an instance of a TPRI.Tsplice.Client class and set the URI of the Tsplice host.
Call member functions of the client class to send to or retrieve data from a Tsplice host.
Process the response data objects and/or handle exceptions thrown by the client method.
Response Data
Every Tsplice client method returns a TPRI.Tsplice.Models.ApiResponse object:
For methods that return data, the data itself is contained in the Value property of the ApiResponse.
For methods that retrieve a file from the host, the returned object is a FileResponse object (derived from ApiResponse) with properties such as LocalPath indicating where the file has been downloaded locally.
Error Handling
Any error that occurs during a Tsplice client method will throw an exception:
If the exception is specific to the Tsplice interface, a TPRI.Tsplice.ClientException will be thrown with an ErrorCode property indicating the type of error and a Message property providing some description of the problem.
Other exceptions may be thrown depending on the type of error e.g. local file I/O exception, JSON serialization exception, etc.
If a Tsplice client method returns without an exception, then the call completed successfully.
Async vs. Sync
All Tsplice client calls are defined as async calls intended to be awaited.
// Request the system status var response = await client.GetSystemStatus();
Each method includes an optional cancelToken parameter that can be used to interrupt and cancel a long-running call.
// Create a cancellation source CancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); //... // Request the system status try { var response = await client.GetSystemStatus(CancelSource.Token); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // Someone called CancelSource.Cancel() before the call completed }
If async calls are not possible in the calling application, the Tsplice client class offers a Sync(..) method that can be used to wrap any client async method:
// Request the system status var response = TPRI.Tsplice.Client.Sync(() => client.GetSystemStatus());
Following is an example usage of the Tsplice client:
var client = new TPRI.Tsplice.Client(); client.BaseUri = new Uri("https://www.somewhere.com"); try { // Request a shared file from the Tsplice host var response = await client.GetSharedFile(sharePath, localPath); // ... } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }