New Features:
Added new Tsplice web API as the successor to NtRtInfo and Tsecurity
Added Texplore support for connecting to ProbeSvr & TrendSrv on alternate TCP ports
Updated encryption algorithm used by tpriCryptor & updated TPRI.Cryptor to pure .NET
Added methods into TPRI.NtRtControl to expand process management from .NET Tsentry tasks
Converted a significant amount of Tsentry code from VB.NET to C#
Bug Fixes and Minor Changes:
Fixed issue with Tsentry shutdown options
Fixed issue with calculated delta time between cursors in TrendX
Fixed scrolling of ActiveGrid when using certain fonts
Fixed unhandled exceptions in ProbeX related to the Windows clipboard
Fixed issues related to memory management in custom probe sources
Fixed unhandled exception spawning new instances of Texplore
Updated log messages in various portions of code
Full Changelog: