Earlier Versions
- Luke Cerwin
- AJ Johnson
Following is information about each official TSENTRY release, including a description of all the changes included with each release and instructions for upgrading from one version to the next.
Upgrading TSENTRY
In general, upgrading TSENTRY from one version to another requires the following steps:
Stop any running TSENTRY processes
Backup existing TSENTRY files
Install new version of TSENTRY
For versions 2.29 and below, copy new
directory over existing directoryFor versions 3.00 and above, run the install wizard
Rebuild all application processes, screens, and the data dictionary
In some cases, however, additional changes are required; these are listed below by version. In some cases some steps must be taken before performing the above instructions, so please read below before continuing. If upgrading across more than one version (e.g. v1.4 to 2.0), steps for intermediate versions must also be performed.
TSENTRY Versions
The major TSENTRY versions reflect support for the various versions of the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler:
Visual Studio Version | TSENTRY Version |
Visual Studio 2017 | TSENTRY v9.xx.x.xxxx |
Visual Studio 2015 | TSENTRY v8.xx.xxxx |
Visual Studio 2013 | TSENTRY v7.xx.xx |
Visual Studio 2010 | TSENTRY v6.xx.xx |
Visual Studio 2008 | TSENTRY v5.xx.xx |
Visual Studio 2005 | TSENTRY v4.xx.xx |
Visual Studio .NET 2003 | TSENTRY v3.xx.xx |
Visual Studio 6.0 | TSENTRY v2.xx & v1.xx |
Version Details
Replace tpriAppThread with direct calls to CreateThread and tpriCreateTimer (TSEN-37)
Add protection against malformed messages received by ProbeSvr (TSEN-43)
Upgrade Instructions:
Review project code for usage of tpriAppThread:
If calling StartAppThread with first two parameters set to non-zero then replace with call to tpriCreateTimer(..).
If calling StartAppThread with first two parameters set to zero then replace with call to CreateThread(..). Remember to set appropriate thread priority on successful thread creation.
Update EGD driver initialization file:
[PRODUCE] section adds ‘ThreadPriority’ and ‘ThreadInterval’ parameters as shown below:
ThreadPriority=101 (typically this will be higher than the task's priority)
ThreadInterval=25 (ms rate)
Fix logging of ProbeSvr variable changes (TSEN-38)
Made various changes to the ProbeSvr task:
Added check to prevent message buffer overrun (TSEN-21)
Added requirement for Initialize(..) and Shutdown(..) methods in custom probe sources (TSEN-23)
Added support for writing new values back to custom probe sources (TSEN-27)
Added support for relaying requests to other probe servers (TSEN-25)
Fix server variable reference counting (TSEN-24)
Added new ProbeMir standard task (TSEN-29)
Increased maximum allowed sizes for data dictionary (TSEN-28)
Modified ControlLogix Producer/Consumer driver to use PLC’s Requested Packet Interval (RPI) when producing messages sent to PLC (TSEN-26)
Fixed unhandled exception in
tpriGsmDDCom::saveAllStructs(..) (TSEN-30)
Fixed save/restore of bool types in data dictionary (TSEN-31)
Restructured LogMsg library to facilitate usage outside of Tsentry (TSEN-35)
Refactored tpriCreateTimer(..) so that multiple independent timers can be created from a single task (TSEN-36)
Updated RTX64 4.1 → 4.2
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