


The Tsplice Client properties include the following:

public System.Net.Http.HttpClient HttpClient { get; set; }

Gets or sets the HTTP client object used for communications with the host system. By default this is initialized to a shared HttpClient instance, but can be set to an alternate instance of an HttpClient object if necessary (e.g. for automated tests).

public System.Uri BaseUri { get; set; }

Gets or setsthe uniform resource identifier of the Tsplice host e.g.

public System.Test.Json.JsonSerializerOptions JsonOptions { get; set; }

Gets or sets the Json serialization options used by the Tsplice client.

Gets or sets the root download folder used by functions that retrieve files from the host i.e. when a local path is not specified in the function call. If a download folder is not explicitly set then a temporary folder will be created during the first function call that requires one, and this folder will be deleted when the application exits.


The Tsplice Client methods are grouped below by function.

Authentication & Authorization

The following functions can be used to authenticate and authorize a user via the Tsplice API

System Status

This following function retrieves the current status of the Tsplice host system, including:

  • Host computer name

  • Host computer domain

  • Current date/time on the host computer

Shared Files and Folders

The following functions can be used to interact with shared folders and files on the Tsplice host system. The list of folders and files exposed by the Tsplice host are defined in the sysTsplice.ini file.





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3811 Illinois Avenue, Suite 100, St. Charles, IL 60174