Task Development (VC.6)

Task Development (VC.6)

The official Source Code Directory Structure

TelePro Official Source Server


Production Systems


  • VB Projects:

ProbeA, TrendX, etc. …tpriNtRt\Std\Screens\Probe\…. VegIO, VegStatus, etc. …tpriNtRt\Veg\Screens\VegIO\…. TpriTrendGraph, etc. …tpriNtRt\Std\Controls\tpriBarGraph\…. 3Main, 3spbpid, etc …locNtRt\sys\Screens\3Main\…
  • HTML Files:

ProbeA, TrendX, etc. …tpriNtRt\Std\Screens\wwwroot\*.htm VegIO, VegStatus, etc. …tpriNtRt\Veg\Screens\wwwroot\*.htm 3Main, 3spbpid, etc. …locNtRt\sys\Screens\wwwroot\*.htm
  • OCX Files:

TpriTrendGraph, etc.            …tpriNtRt\Std\Controls\Official\*.ocx

All user controls            (in VB Project Directory)

  • OBJ Safe Instructions and Code:

IObjSafe.bas            …\Screens\IObjSafe\…

  • Batch Files:

DevSetup.bat, etc.            tpriNtRt\Std\Procs\devSetup.bat

  • Documents:

OPCDefaults.doc, etc.            tpriNtRt\Docs\ OPCDefaults.doc

To start a new workspace and template project for a Tsentry system, perform the following tasks.  [In the directions below, ‘xxx’ and ‘yyy’ are the local directories; may be used as ‘xxx’ is the site and ‘yyy’ is the system.]

Under Visual Studio v6.0:

  1. Start, Programs, Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual C++

  2. File, Nnew

  3. Workspace tab

  4. Workspace name: Tasks

  5. Location d:\xxx\yyy\tasks         

  6. OK

  7. File, new, rtx AppWizard

  8. Project Name: NtRtTask

  9. Location d:\ xxx\yyy \tasks\NtRtTask       

  10. Check: Add to current workspace

  11. Platforms: Win32

  12. OK

  13. Check: RTX  application

  14. Check: ASCII

  15. Check: Yes, link with multithreaded Run-time library

  16. Next

  17. No Program Framework, just Project Settings

  18. Finish, OK

  19. File, Save Workspace

  20. File, Exit

Using NT Explorer, copy the basic Tsentry task files (NtRtTask.cpp, NtRtTask.h, and stdinc.h) from another location into directory d:\ xxx\yyy \tasks\NtRtTask\*.*

  1. Using NT Explorer, click on file d:\LocNtRt\sys\Tasks\Tasks.dsw

  2. Verify that the NtRtTask files line is selected (should already be highlighted)

  3. Expand the NtRtTask files

  4. Project, Add to Project, Files

  5. Look in d:\ xxx\yyy \tasks\NtRtTask

  6. Select the files NtRtTask.cpp, NtRtTask.h, and stdinc.h

  7. OK

  8. Highlight Source Files

  9. Project, Add to Project, Files

  10. Look in: d:\xxxt\tpri

  11. Select the files dbgdef.h, logmsg.cpp, tpriGsm.cpp, tpriGsm.h TpriGsmDDCom.cpp. TproGsmDDcom.h tpriIniFile.cpp, TpriIniFile.h, TproProc.cpp, TpriProc.h

  12. OK,

  13. Build, Rebuild All

The following procedure may be used to create a new process:

  1. Start, programs, Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0, Visual C++ 6.0

  2. File, New, Projects tab,

  3. Project Name = xxxxxx

  4. Location = xxxxxx

  5. Create new workspace

  6. RTX AppWizard

  7. RTX application

  8. ASCII

  9. Yes, link with the Multithread Runtime library

  10. Next

  11. Build a C program framework

  12. Periodic timer thread

  13. Event server thread

  14. Finish

  15. OK

  16. Build

  17. Rebuild All

  18. File, Save Workspace

  19. Tools, options, tabs

  20. Tab size: 3

  21. Indent size: 3

  22. Insert spaces

  23. Auto indent: default

  24. Macros: ack whether to reload the file

  25. Ok

The following procedure may be used to create a Tsentry process control task.  This procedure assumes that you have installed the standard Tsentry release software.  In this software you will find a ‘template’ process control task under the directory d:\site\system\task\NtRtTask. 

This procedure also assumes that you have installed the shareware program Xreplace-32

The following procedure assumes that the Tsentry software has been installed at d:\site\system\*, and that you would like to create a new task called NewTask.

The process first copies the template task, and then replaces all occurances of “NtRtTask” with the string name of the new task (for example “NewTask”).  It then adds this new process to the Visual C workspace and build procedures

  1. Use the NT explorer to navigate to the software distribution directory:

  2. d:\site\system\tasks

  3. Highlight the directory d:\site\system\Tasks\NtRtTask

  4. <cntl-c> to copy to clipboard

  5. Highlight the d:\site\system\Tasks directory

  6. <cntl-v> to paste

  7. New directory is created as d:\site\system\Tasks\Copy of NtRtTask

  8. Right click on d:\site\system\Tasks\Copy of NtRtTask

  9. Rename to d:\site\system\Tasks\NewRtTask

  10. Use the NT explorer to navigate to the d:\site\system\tasks\NewTasks\* file list

  11. Rename the 4 files present (NtRtTask.cpp, .h, .dsp, and .plg) to NewTask.*

  12. Start XReplace-32

  13. In left hand panel, browse to d:\site\system\Tasks\NewRtTask

  14. In center panel, highlight 4 files (NewTask.*) and drag to right hand panel

  15. Set Replace from: NtRtTask

  16. Set Replace with: NewTask

  17. Command | Options

  18. Select: Case Sensitive

  19. DeSelect: Warn if binary

  20. Backups

  21. Select Overwrite Backups

  22. OK

  23. Command | Go

  24. Command | Quit | No | No

    Add new process (project) to workspace by:

  25. Using Internet Explorer, navigate to d:\site\system\Tasks

  26. Double click tasks.dsw; Visual Studio loads workspace

  27. Project | Insert Project into workspace

  28. Click NewTask | Click NewTask.dsp | OK

  29. Select required process configurations for this process by:

  30. Build | Batch Build

  31. Select appropriate boxes for NewTask:
    NewTask – Win32 Release (optional)
    NewTask – Win32 Debug (required)
    NewTask – Win32 RTSS Release (optional)
    NewTask – Win32 RTSS Debug (required)

    Add the new processes to the command line task build procedure as follows:

  32. Using notepad (or the text editor of choice), edit the file


  33. Add the required lines to build the new process. For example, if NewTask is required in both Win32 and Win32 RTSS configurations, add the lines:

    echo .
    z:msdev tasks.dsw /MAKE "NewTask - Win32 Debug" %1
    echo .
    z:msdev tasks.dsw /MAKE "NewTask - Win32 RTSS Debug" %1

Execution of this procedure will cause all the processes required by your system to be built in all applicable configurations.

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3811 Illinois Avenue, Suite 100, St. Charles, IL 60174